I haven't been able to blog about the recording weekend yet. It was an overwhelming and wonderful weekend. There was so much to accomplish with the weekend. I look back, and I don't remember being stressed at all as I was in the middle of it. It was as if the grace of God picked me up and carried me through the whole experience. Which is exactly what He did. God did amazing things that I could never have imagined, and I am very grateful, and very much in awe of His kindness.
When the event was over, I stayed up late Sunday night in our hotel lobby and visited with lots of friends who had come from all over to be a part of the DVD. Friends from NC, SC, TN, WY(!), and a massive CA overtaking. This sanguine was on happy overload. We laughed and laughed and laughed some more. I was delirious with exhaustion, but I couldn't feel it yet. I was just having fun.
Angela and I got up mid-morning on Monday and started the journey back to Nashville. We had to be back in time to pick the kids up from school. We made it, and had a fun reunion with them that afternoon.
Then it happened. I began to crash. I mean, really crash. We're talking full emotional meltdown. I knew I was tired. And I knew I was prone to be a little emotional and maybe even dramatic about such a big weekend. But I wasn't ready for this down of a down. The days following were tough. I had to constantly renew my mind with the Word of God, continually confessing to Him who He is, and who I am in Him, reminding myself to be thankful and eternally grateful to be saved and FULLY LOVED.
It's silly, I know. Such a great weekend. So blessed with such a wonderful weekend and fun recording with people I love so much. And I could not snap out of my funk.
I am feeling much better now. And my perspective is back on track. I will never be able to express my thanks to everyone who was a part of the weekend of January 25, 2009. Whether you played in the band, operated a camera, came to be in the audience, sang in the choir, WHATEVER...I am so thankful to worship God with you during this moment in time. I am SO EXCITED to put some finishing touches on the project here in the next couple of months. The CD releases June 16, and the DVD releases sometime after that (maybe October?).
OK. Enough of that.
Some of you called me out about my birthday...thanks for the well wishes! Doggone that facebook telling my secrets. It was a great birthday, on the day of the Super Bowl and everything. And it was super cool that one of my best friends was in the Super Bowl - Kurt Warner! And by 'best friend,' I mean he has no idea who I am. But still. I feel sure he and Brenda want to hang out with Angela and me. They just don't know it.
I got some great presents for my birthday. But the funniest gift I got is this t-shirt, which happens to be the funniest t-shirt I've ever seen in my life:
HAHAHA Is that the funniest t-shirt in the world? Please tell me you get it. PLEASE! 'Cause not all of my friends got it at first glance. :-)
Tomorrow is our first Living Proof Live of the year. Yessssssssss. IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG OF A BREAK. I am ready to get back at it. We are in El Paso this weekend. Are you close to El Paso? Are you coming? I am so ready for some teaching from you-know-who. CAN'T WAIT!
It's so good to talk to you again. I'm glad to be back in the land of the living. There's more we need to talk about, not the least of which is Idol (can I get a whoop whoop for Anoop and Danny?). We'll talk about that later. Happy weekend to you. I will post again when we make it to El Paso.
Whoop! and Wonka!
Angela :o)
Well, not sure I get the shirt, but I definitely get the "funk" thing. I've been in one of those myself lately. I'm so glad that the Lord is faithful to us whatever sort of state of mind we are in.
Can't wait for the DVD and CD!
I love it!!!
Where can I get one??
That shirt is HILARIOUS! I am a huge Lindt Chocolate Bunny addict. HYSTERICAL!!
Where in the world did you find that awesome work of chocolate art? I've got to get one!!! LOL!!!
Jane in MN
Awesome shirt! I get it :)
I know what you mean about the BFF thing. I think that Beth Moore is my best friend. What do I mean think, she is my best friend. LOL
Sorry about the "funk", but that was the best worship experience of my life! Right up there with a Passion Conference. I am so glad I got to be a part of it, I will never forget it. What an experience. Thank you!
Praying for a great conference with my friend. :)
Shawn, Georgia
Totally get the shirt! Gonna wear it for tomorrow night? I think you should, for sure.
Have a safe trip and a great weekend!
I'm so embarrassed to say that I did not get the t-shirt...until my man explained it. BUT that is the story of my life.
Will be praying about the weekend!! I'm already counting the months to Memphis!!
Thank you for blogging.
We have been praying for you a ton.
I wish we were closer to El Paso.
Love the shirt- I'm sure Daniel would wear that too.
Blessings to you and your family!
It is so good to have you back in blogland!
I think I'm the one that bit off that bunnies ears! I always go for that part ^^
El Paso is going to be a WHOOP!WHOOP! You and Beth are in for some fantastic blessings and I just wish I could be there. I left your taping wishing you would sing just one more song! Just one more...
It is so hard to leave that kind of worship. I know I can have my own closet-time with Jesus...but that community-time with my brothers and sisters in Christ...it is just so unbelievably rich and glorious and holy! Man, what will heaven be like?! Can we stand it?! To actually see Jesus instead of just feeling His Spirit move?!
I left wanting more. That's all I can say.
Be blessed, Travis. Your team and LPM are both setting hearts on fire for Jesus. Soak Him in and let Him restore you.
Much love and prayers to you all.
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145:3...
I almost bought that shirt a couple years ago. Trying not to laugh at the people (Sophie!!) who didn't get it.
I always come off of emotional highs and CRASH. I hate that.
Oh, and we finally (FINALLY!) put your Christmas CD away 2 days ago. It's fab and all, but since we only listen to Frosty and Rejoice, well, it was time to move on for a few months.
I've told you how wonderful that weekend in ATL was for me and all the siestas who came....it was amazingly beautiful and God was simply thick that night. I prayed long and hard for you when it was over...I can't imagine coming off that high and then crash. I'm so thankful you are out of your funk.
Have fun in El Paso. I lived there as a toddler and have no clue or memory about it.
Blessings over you and the entire team!
Welcome back, Trav!
Okay..first of all, isn't that how the enemy works at times after having an experience like that weekend...to be so saturated in God's presence and love and power, only to be knocked off our feet mere days after?? BUT, it's also like Jesus to remind us that no matter how deep into His glory we are allowed to see and feel..it will never be enough and He will always "remind" us that we need Him no matter how many AMAZING experiences we have WITH Him! Shew. sorry that was long!
Next, that shirt is stinkin' HYSTERICAL!!
Next next, you know that that is what I think about you and Angela...total BFF's with me and you just don't know it either ;)...wanna meet for coffee??? I told Michele when we were standing in line to talk to you that night...he's so gonna ask me to hang with him and Ang (I can call her that, y'know) b/c he's gonna think I'm sooo funny!! :)
Okay...glad you're back in the groove and please know I'm always covering you, Beth, the teams as you seek to follow His precious leading!!
Welcome back! I know how that funk can be. Love the t-shirt! A belated Happy Birthday. For what it's worth, I was pulling for Kurt. Have a wonderful weekend in El Paso. Wish I could be there. I'm sure you'll be hearing all about Little Miss Annabeth. Give Granny a hug for us all!
I GET it!
That shirt is hilarious!! I totally get it!
Glad you are out of your funk and back with us. Hope your weekend goes very well.
And hey, who wouldn't want to hang with you and Angela? :)
Travis - Love the shirt there must be something about chocolate or at least Cadbury that makes us all laugh. You have seen the other Cabury ad, the one with the gorilla and then all the Cadbury egg ones? If not you will enjoy them.
Thanks for your post. I appreciate its honesty. I have found that there is something to be learned in all those times and that God will always pull you out. You can never be in a pit so deep that he can not pull out you. He has pulled me out many a time.
I will never forget that worship. God touched my heart deeply. Thanks again for being his instrument.
As always will be praying for you and Ms. Beth, my BBF too, this weekend. Even if I have to go by myself, which I often seem to end up doing, I hope to be in Pittsburgh and Memphis.
Thanks again,
LOVE the shirt! I need to find one of those for my husband. He's weird...he would love it too!
Blessings and miracles for this weekend. Another year of LPL's. YAY!
Melana in Wyoming
THAT IS STINKIN' HILARIOUS!!!!! It took me a second but I GOT IT!!!
And how you were feeling after that weekend was not silly! Travis you put 100,000% into everything you do in serving the Lord. You are allowed to get into a funk every once in a while. Glad you are feelin better now. It's good to hear from ya. Looking forward to Morganton. Good Lord willing, everyone will stay well and will be in town this time so they can all come with me to hear ya.
BOOMAMA didn't get it? REALLY!??!?!
I have some good ammunition now...
Thanks for checkin in I have been praying for you guys.
I totally got the shirt the first time I read it and I love it!!
I have been praying for ya'll and the conference this weekend!!
The concert was amazing and I can't wait to get my copy of the dvd. :)
Travis!!! Is that really you? It's been so long!
Okay, first, 'silly'?? Are you serious? The great deceiver was trying to do a work on ya, buddy! But you knew exactly what tools to use to defeat the enemy. So glad you are doing better!
As for the shirt, I saw it not too long ago and I was standing in the store laughing out loud - by myself - got some strange looks. But couldn't bring myself to buy it and wear it. Sort of like a friend who wouldn't let her son buy a shirt that said, "Rehab is for quitters." He and I thought it was toooooo funny, but his mom didn't want everyone to think he was a user so she said no. I said, "I should've had a son."
Oh, and as for Kurt, well aren't WE best buds, Trav? I mean look at all I share with you...Oh, ummmm, uh-oh...you don't really know me.
Love ya, brother, so glad to hear from you!!
Travis, Do you ever wonder how many BFF you have out there? My friend's friend sang with you in the church choir at Memphis...that makes us friends twice removed doesn't it? ;)
Blessings to you this weekend!
Oh, and the aforementioned friend and I are in the middle of Beth's "Beloved Disciple", and your "2000 Years" could seriously be the theme song!
So glad you are back and feeling better, and this weekend will help a lot. You know by now that the bigger the performance "high" the greater the low when we crash. So ironic. :-) Praying for you all this weekend!
Julie in SC
I thought about you this morning during my prayer time and I remembered this story of someone else who led a marvelous worship experience and then found himself in the desert, really. Go back and read 1 Kings 19. Remember what God had in store for Elijah after Mount Carmel, then listen to Mendelssohn's Elijah.
Praying for you this weekend.
I totally get it. In fact I received a copy of that picture in an email a few years ago which I printed out and displayed in my office around Easter.
Thank you for talking about the emotional letdown after a big event. I'm in the midst of a busy season of ministry and feeling like I battle mini-meltdowns far too often. I can never understand how the hardest times come after the biggest displays of God's goodness in my life and the lives of those around me. It is comforting to know that others, being used in my bigger/more public ways have had similar experiences.
I so GET the shirt!! Do they have it in lime green? 'Cause if they do I am buying that for my teenage daughter!
I will be praying for the El Paso LPL event. Hubby & I lived there back when we were first married & he was in the Army. Still got some good friends that live there. Try to take in the sunset at least once, if possible, while you're there - IT IS AWESOME!!!
Praying for you! Love the shirt.
~LOVE the t-shirt.
~Jealous that I didn't get to hang out and your crew with you after the concert - we were hoping you'd pop up at Dairy Queen, but you never did.
~SO excited that it is officially Living Proof season - I'll see ya in N.O.
~Thank you for finally putting up a new post - those kids' faces were starting to creep me out every time I pulled up your blog. Funny clip, though.
First, love the shirt. Too funny :)
Thanks for being open about the emotional down experience after your big weekend. I find such experiences fairly common and have come to expect them and even prepare for them. For a biblical example, consider Elijah after his "mountain top" experience on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 19).
Sharing your experience helps your friends/readers realize we're not alone and your response to the experience is a helpful reminder of what to do when we have those down times.
Thanks, Travis.
-- Todd
I love the shirt! I have received that comic in an email a couple of times and I always laugh out loud when I see it. What a great gift! I am glad you are doing better and that the weekend went well. Good luck in El Paso!
Happy belated birthday. Love the shirt! Totally got it.
I just want to thank you for the greatest worship service ever! God just filled you & everyone in that church. You didn't look stressed at all. Even when you had to redo two songs (that was just extra for us). Thank you for always giving us your everything.
I stand corrected. My friend's friend sang in the choir in Nashville, not Memphis.
Didn't want you to think I was completely off my rocker.
Understand the post high meltdown, and agree with one of the commenters about Elijah, great example! Wishin I could have been in GA to see and hear you and catch up with everyone. I am thinking that will never happen. Church schedule makes it too hard. :-( Maybe you could do a concert or recording here in the big "D"? :-D
BTW that t-shirt is SO you. LOL!! goober.
Wish I was closer to El Paso. because of schedules and events here I still haven't made it to a Beth Moore event. sigh. the goal is to do do that soon. While there you should trek into Mexico, do you have your passport? :-)
So glad you are checking in :)
Loved the FBCW weekend - it was the BEST worship experience of my life!
And that dern FB has outted me so many times I had no idea it posted everytime I played pathwords - I had to turn that feature off - hehe
So glad you had a good birthday
And I totally got the shirt - it made me laugh :)
Praying for this weekend - may God annoint you with His spirit
I know it will be an amazing time!!
I. Can't. Wait. Until. June.
No, really. I like HAVE to listen to that music over and over, and if I listen to your rough cut of TOTHEKINGTOTHEKING one more time, I might have to... I don't know... punch a kitten or something.
So glad you are out of the funk in time to go to El Paso.
Yes I totally get the shirt.
um..do you remember talking briefly to a lady (at FBCW) about how her five month old girl is at a perfect age because when you set them down, they stay there. and you told me to enjoy while it lasts?
Well please pray, 'cause my sweet little five month old Ginny has RSV.
So glad you are back and I can't wait for your Idol recaps/comments!! I love Danny right now, too. That girl with the crazy annoying laugh must go home right now!
Praying for you guys this weekend in El Paso! It ought to be good, esp. since Beth will have "Annabeth" stories!!! Give us a full report...
Love the shirt!!! I need to find one of those...
I'm still bummed that I had to cancel my plans to go to the recording ...I'll have to wait for the CD and DVD. Praying for an awesome LPL in El Paso!
I lived in El Paso for 12 years, now live in SC, had a ticket, but at the last minute couldn't get there. Sad for me, but I'm praying for all my El Paso buddies and in-laws that are there!! I KNOW that God will bless-cause when you and Beth sign and speak the word of God, He comes. Thank-you for your faithfulness, in El Paso, and for doing that fabulous worship experience. To God be the Glory!!
If you came down off that high that far, then the Lord used you tremendously that weekend. The enemy is just trying to get you discouraged because you made yourself available to do a MIGHTY work of the LORD... and the LORD did it! All you can do to combat it is to keep going to the Word.
I cannot wait for the cd and DVD to come out!
btw, the shirt was hysterical!!!!!
Yep...even when God sent Elijah to the brook...God knew it was gonna dry up...He was right there with Elijah the whole time. Better to be with God by a dried-up brook than far from God but somewhere more glamorous!
Got me singing "Days of Elijah" now...gonna put my Judy Jacobs on--THERE'S NO GOD LIKE JEHOVAH....!
Hope LPL ElPaso is refreshing for you guys! And we're praying that Melissa's stomach bug didn't travel with Bethmoore.
I have always thought the ears and tail of the bunny were the very best parts and always eaten first!!
You don't know me but I just have to thank you, and tell you God just used you in a powerful way to remove some "I shouldn't have felt that way" guilt. THANK YOU for being so HONEST and transparent about the BIG spiritual drop zone after such an amazing weekend marked by anointing, power, prayers answered, evidence of God's blessing and presence and glory!
Something similar happened to me two weeks ago after a huge and amazing ministry event with KSBJ in Houston and I couldn't shake it. I felt so guilty and ungrateful for being down but I wasn't prepared. I didn't see it coming, and it caught me totally off guard. I wanted to be in a place of praise and worship and thanksgiving but my heart was stuck in blah-ville. My mind was battling the enemies lies like nobody's business! I had to walk my spirit to the Cross and set my eyes on my Savior.
Jesus came and met me in that place and reminded me of who He is and who I am as HIS. And then He loved on me in the most amazing way through some of your peeps. I had written on my blog about meeting Amanda Jones at the event. It's a long story, but Beth came to read it and left a comment with words that felt like Jesus had typed them Himself. Only God could know what I needed to hear and in closing she wrote..."Ministry is wonderful, but ministry is hard...I say to you today - Don't quit!" As crazy as it seemed, after the event of a lifetime, that is what my mind and flesh wanted to do.
So, today I stand in the gap for you my brother in Christ - and pray that God will surround you and your beautiful bride and family with words of encouragement and strength as you seek and serve Him with all your hearts, and all your lives. You glorify HIM in all that you do!
May you be refreshed as you have refreshed others so powerfully in the Kingdom this weekend!
PS. Love the shirt. Hilarious!
you know you always get some kind of satanic attack after a huge spritual high. I'm glad you fought back
;0 love the shirt!
Glad you are doing better!
I think Danny is going to win! He is awesome!
Hysterical shirt! Is yellow your color, I thought it was brownish black plaid or something?:) Hope this weekend was great! Knew you would experience a huge low after such an amazing experience! Bet others did too! Love to your whole family!
Lisa in Kirkland, WA
I love the shirt!! It's subtle. It's sch-tinkin' hilarious!
As for this..." I mean, really crash. " I'd say that you were poured out. I am SO glad that you know where to go to reload! It makes me think of A&M and how we would shout "RELOAD" really loud. You'll have to have Melanie demonstrate for you. So when you are poured out...RELOAD!
Happy Birthday old man! I think that you are just a few days older than me...my b-day is the 17th. I'll be 38.
Praying for you and your sweet and beautiful family.
I rarely, if ever, laugh OUT LOUD at a t-shirt, but oh. my. stars. Hilarious.
I appreciate your transparency and honesty about post-worship-letdown, or, as Holly said, probably more accurately, you were poured out as an offering to Him. Those of us in "lay-people" ministry appreciate knowing that it is not just us that struggle to stay full of Him so that we may radiate Him.
And, P.S.? Does it bug your wife that you have a 98% female commenting blog following?
The T-shirt is HILARIOUS!!!
Oh my goodness.
The conference in El Paso was AMAZING!!! I'm one of the girls Beth mentioned one with Mrs. Rhonda Irons LAdies In Waiting Group. That was the best thing I had been to in awhile!! Your guys worship was awesome! I cant wait to go to the next conference you guys have somewhere close to Alamogordo, New Mexico
Thanks for your honesty. It's encouraging to know that I am not the only Christian who struggles and yet remains close to the Lord. He understands and is always so tender and gentle with us. Praise Him.
Loved El Paso!!!! Love the "new" songs. Great worship time with your and MY BFF!!!! See you in Rio Rancho in July.
Okay Trav, Pleeease forgive me I have totally neglected your blog ever since I've been introduced to the "new" love of my life, FACEBOOK!! lol!! I wrote on your wall tonight wishing you a Happy Belated Birthday.....if you really do want that can of "SPACKLE" I can still send it to you....but really, I don't think you need it yet!!
On another note, this post really lifted my spirits and made me totally LOL.....funniest T-shirt EVER!! I GOT IT!! I've been in a real "funk" lately too....it's sorta comforting to know some of my favorite people feel like that sometimes as well. Is that dysfunctional of what!! Awe well, I just had to be honest.
Lovin' me some "American Idol" right now....don't forget to make your blog comments this week, I'll be watchin' for them.
Have a great week!
Angela Larson - Redmond, WA
Travis - Love the shirt but have to admit that it took 2 visits to your blog for me to get it - totally got the "hiney" part - neglected to notice the ears! Too funny!
Amy in NC
Love the shirt. It gave me a *grin*
Glad you're back up and about and. . back to your "normal" (that's a relative word) self.
Much love,
definitely the funniest t-shirt EVER!!!
love that shirt,and I do mean love it.
that is soooooooo funny!
Now that's a cool b'day gift.
i went to school with anoop. :) we're bff. the kind that never talk or know about each other, but still went to the same school. we did share a singing stage a time or two though.
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