Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Simulcast Recovery

Hey, friends. I hope your week is off to a good start. I spent most of the day yesterday wandering around the house, murmuring monosyllables, gazing pitifully into space, and trying to at least appear engaged in life to my kids so they wouldn't worry that daddy was going to have to go "somewhere where he would be safe." No...it really wasn't that bad. But the weekend was a BIG weekend. The simulcast was great fun, and it was great to have my sweet Lily Kate there with me.

I think there was something about the spiritual heaviness of preparing for and guiding through leading 70,000 people at the same time that really wore me out. By the time I crawled into the van to ride home from Louisville, I was a MESS. But my sweet Angela must have sensed my state of mind, because as soon as Lily Kate and I got home, she whisked us off to one of our favorite mexican restaurants, and we had a great dinner and great family time.

Truth be told, I had pre-meditated skipping church on Sunday, mainly since I had to be at another church an hour away by 3 in the afternoon. But Angela had to be at our church at 8am, since she was singing on the praise team. Which meant that I needed to get my self out of the bed and take the kids to church. I'm glad I did...the sermon was rockin', and so was our Sunday School class.

I then had to hurry home to get myself ready to be at Long Hollow Baptist for my buddy David Moffitt's choir kick-off at 3, and then led some worship at their summer celebration service that night. It was a fun time...I always love being up there with them. But by the end of the weekend, I felt like I had about 9% of my voice left. Ooooh...it was not good.

So, I rested my voice for much of the day yesterday. I have to sing as Estes Park, CO Wednesday and Thursday. In case you don't know, Estes Park is like 3 feet below the sky. It is HIGH. Last year, I had to be put on oxygen right before I sang. Seriously, in the words of Jordin Sparks, NO AIR. I would appreciate your prayers for my voice to last through the week.

A lot of you have had questions about some of the songs we sang at the simulcast. And you have been answering each other's questions...thanks for doing that. After every event, we post our song list on my official website, so you can go find song titles there. When you get there, click on the interact tab. There are a few new songs that many of you have asked about that we have not yet recorded. Mercy Seat and Revelation Song are both songs you can find great versions of out there. We plan to have at least Mercy Seat on our next worship record. Angela Cruz KILLS that song, and I can't wait to record her singing it. The other song some of your were asking about - This Is The Day - is a brand new song. It, too, will be on the next record. I hope this helps answer some questions.

You guys have a good day. I am off to meetings today. And I am working on my "best singer ever" post (What have I done? It's an impossible question.).


Anonymous said...

Hey Travis! Are the song lists really on your official website? The Boone event was never posted. I think that was around the time the website was getting ready to be "remodeled"! And, I can't seem to find any songlist on your new website right now. I hope I'm just missing it and will discover how to get find it.

Thank you for all you do! You are terrific!

Travis said...

Hey...yes it is there, under the "interact" section.


Longmeadow Mama said...

Please tell me Rich is putting together a recap video from Louisville! I keep checking in to see if one's been posted. The weekend was life changing for me and hope to relive it through Rich's handiwork!
Thanks for your ministry, Travis. I'm a life forever touched.

Fran said...

Get some rest Travis. I can't even imagine getting Spiritually ready for a simulcast event, but in case you couldn't tell...you and the prasie team were unbelievable! :)

And, I just know the heavenlies were rejoicing and celebrating bc Jesus was in that place in Louisville....big time.

It was fabulous! Praying for you always~

Anonymous said...

Hey Travis, I was at the Lu-a-vull gathering and just wanted to say thank you for pouring yourself out for the body of Christ. I took my husband's office staff to the event(our 5th conference together) plus a few friends and fam. I felt as though I was on the "frontlines" pretty much the whole weekend. Let's just say that you bringing the word via Lily Kate that it is "just as easy to be nice as it is to be mean" was spot on Sat. morning. But I must say that I chose to trust God throughout the "war" that ensued before the conference and God broke open some hearts and I cannot tell you the harvest that has already begun to grow as a result of this new and improved soil. God was into exposing some things this weekend and He is being glorified PTL! Dana

Unknown said...

Rest that voice, buddy!!! If I break a string on my instrument, I can replace it or go get another instrument for backup. You don't have that option... God only gave you one voice.... And you have a very heavy schedule this week!!

Sooooo looking forward to Friday at the Symphony Center...

Kim said...

Travis, thanks for a great worship experience this weekend. I was at a simulcast site in Raleigh, NC. It was great, though not quite the same as in person, but you guys rocked!
Take care of your voice!

Anonymous said...

Hi Travis!I was at the simulcast in Richmond VA. I was hesitant to pay the money to go at first,not actually being there, but I was convicted that I needed to go and boy am I glad I did!! I was doubly blessed by the praise and worship and Beth's teaching! Thank you so much for your ministry! Get some rest before Colorado! And PLEASE record Revelation Song!!!

Just Berean Real said...

Hey All -

Just trying to get my worshipers straight in my head: Is Angela Cruz the dark haired gal on the LPL praise team who KILLED (using Travis' term, as in AMAZING!!!) on "Lord, You're Holy"?

Sherrie Watson said...

Hey Travis,

I will be praying for your voice. I went to simulcast Saturday in Kernersville NC and was once again amazed at how great your voice is and how much I enjoy the whole team singing. You guys just blow me away. Thanks for all that you do to honor our great God.


ocean mommy said...

Praying that God will give you all the energy you need to get through the next few days!


Kari said...

Hey Travis,
I was blessed to attend the simulcast in a little church in Ohio, and It was amazing ~ as usual :)

You and your team and Beth and her team, really have no idea how you all impact us. And I want to say.

THANK YOU! for being a vessel ~

May the Lord keep blessing you all!

MamaBear said...

It was the highlight of my YEAR to be in attendance over the weekend in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I have seriously had "This is the Day" playing in my head night and day since you sang it on Saturday, and if I don't get a copy VERY SOON, terrible things could happen. Like my family could be forced to listen to my rendition repeatedly. And that, Travis, would NOT be a blessing to them. Your version, however? A tremendous blessing. And I know I don't speak just for myself. We all had goose bumps when you belted out that last note.

Kudos to you all for pulling off such an amazing experience. And to the LORD, who ultimately deserves all the praise.

Praying that your voice holds up to all the challenges over the coming weeks and that your ministry will be a blessing to all.

Cinde said...

Welcome to Colorado tomorrow! Even though we are only 3 feet under the sky I hope your breath will be taken away by the beauty of the Rockies and not just the altitude. Rest when you can and drink a lot of water...because not only do we not have oxygen here - we also don't have humidity!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the song list. I started bawling at Mercy Seat (I just finished the revised study God's Dwelling Place and it has new meaning for me). But the best was "Come Ye Sinners"--I haven't heard that in YEARS...had to grab my good ole Baptist hymnal when I got home to re-read over the verses. Bless you from the bottom of my long forgotten baptist heart. gina

Irene Weeks said...

Glad you're getting some rest. Our church in Charleston, SC hosted the simulcast and we were so blessed by the entire event. A couple of us spend most of the remainder of the weekend trying to figure out the name of the Revelation Song. Wow, that one is powerful. Enjoy the rest of your week! Irene

Anonymous said...

I was at a simulcast location in Georgia and have been at two other LPL events. I wanted to let you know that I wouldn't have guessed Beth would be able to find a worship leader to equal her level of excellent teaching, but she found it in you! I look forward to the worship just as much as her teaching. Thank you for everything you do to make it such a meaningful time.

God bless,

Leah Adams said...


I'm with Heidi. You are every bit Beth's equal in your own way and we look forward to you bringing us to the throne in worship just as much as we look forward to hearing Beth bring the Word!! Can't wait for San Antonio!! BTW, are they inviting you to the Siesta Fiesta? Surely they wouldn't exclude you!!


Anonymous said...

Good luck in CO. Soooo excited to hear that Angela will be recording Mercy Seat on the next worship album - you're right, she DOES rock that song! It was fabulous to hear her sing it in San Diego. I found another version of it to ge tme through til y'all recorded and now I don't have to wait much longer! Blessings on you and your family for all the wonderful work you do!

Holly said...

Praying for Estes Park tonight--Oxygen! Wish we could be there, but we couldn't afford the trip and tickets this time. Our prayers are already there, though!

Praying for your family, too!

With Joy,

Billie said...

Let me just say...thank you again for ALL you do for ME! It was AWESOME this weekend. Thanks

Anonymous said...

What an amazing job over the weekend. My dear friend and I were there in Louisville and I respect so much what you put into each event... the reverance, love, and passion you put into each event is evident... thank you.

Anonymous said...

Bless you for how you let the Lord use you! I attended the simulcast in Conway, SC on Friday night and Saturday. I was truly BLESSED. I will never forget the event, the message Beth brought, not the songs. I especially like the
"My Shield, my Strength, my Portion, Deliverer, my Shelter, Strong Tower, my Very Present Help in time of need."
Bought the cd just so I could learn that! :-)

Skoots1moM said...

I was in Atlanta watchin' u in loo-a-vul! It was like u were there with us...I will buy Mercy Seat when ya'll record it...loved it!
What a session...still pondering my notes and sharing with those around me. Thank you for all your hard work and loving our Lord with everything you've got!