We played at the pool today.
And Betsy created some fun cousin moments.
The kids had so much fun playing with her.
Lily Kate's tenacity always shows itself at the pool. Work it out on the climbing wall!
Can you feel the sibling love??
Betsy capped the fun times off with icees for everyone. Mall Icees, she calls them. She calls them that because there was only one place to get icees in Boone, NC, where we are from. That was - you guessed it - at the Boone Mall. The Peanut Shack, to be exact.
More pics...
This is a tree in our yard. It's a hydrangea tree. I bought it because my mom had an amazing hydrangea tree in our backyard when I was growing up. And she loved it. We all loved it. So Angela and I bought one, and we named it Ollie, which was my mom's first name. Ollie is brand new this year, and she just started blooming for the first time. So, here are 4 of Ollie's grandkids...standing next to...well, uh...Ollie. Awwww.
Thanks for visiting us, Betsy. We love you!
Happy times.
I love that you mentioned the Boone Mall. We moved from Baltimore to Boone 7 months ago, and (with fond affection, of course) we call it "The Small."
Can't wait to see you at Mt. Vernon! I'm so excited!
Those ARE mall icees!!! :) My hometown was similar in size to Boone
And she is just adorable. And I love Lily Kate's striking a pose with the doll in the photo :)
I was thinking the same as Shelly....love Lily Kate's pose and doll! My girls are carrying dolls everywhere these days, and even buckling them up in the van. I just want to soak it up before I have two teenagers. ( I'm scared already).
At least you guys have a mall......our mall is Wal-mart!
Just started reading your blog, and just started my very own blog. God is so great to let us share our lives with our kids, isn't He?! I am in constant amazement of mine....they are overflowing with joy! Oh, and we know all about some MALL ICEES!!! Our boys love to pair those with a warm cookie from the Classic Cookie place in the mall. Love it!
You have a beautiful neice.
Oh my goodness! Looks like Lily Kate is a firecracker and a half. She reminds me so much of my daughter Sammie when she was that age. Watch out Travis. The teenage years will be here before you know it. My advice is to get as many pictures and video as you can now. It'll be great "blackmail" material later. (tee hee).
Any news about Indy?
anything and everything in boone is amazing - including the icees!
the kids are growing up so fast... they're adorable!
YES! There's actually another family in this world that names their trees!!! Our family and friends thought we were nuts when we did some planting and naming this year....3 bushes, which we named Jeb, George and Laura and a red maple tree, which we call Scarlet.
Thanks for confirming that we're not nuts, besides if the Cottrell family does it, it must be cool!
Great pictures, by the way.
Kelli in Ohio
Your kids are the cutest little ones ever!! They look cloned!! :)
Thanks for the pictures. I love seeing everyday family pictures. I'm guessing since big cousin Betsy was there...that's why everyone seems to be happy in the photos.
Last year, while at the beach I was taking pictures of my girls for a grandparents gift. They were not happy with me or each other. I sarcastically asked them to smile and pretend they loved each other...many onlookers laughed at my comment. I'm sure because they've wished the same thing with their kids.
Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Melissa Charlotte NC
What a beautiful group, looks like fun!
Keep up the awesome work of God Travis and family!
those are THE best icees EVER. i love it when your mouth turns BLUE and you look like you have hypothermia :)
She is just absolutely beautiful! I LOVE cousin week. Although, for me, this would be hanging with the little ones, since I am one of the oldest! But, there's never a dull moment. SO fun!
I love the pics.
Your niece is so precious. I love how she is just hugging the kids in all the photos :)
My favorite pic is the sibling love - could Lily Kate hug those Levi cheeks any harder LOL!!
Ok..since I can't seem to find the blog to fix my favorite movies that I'm EMBARRASSED to love, I'll just post here. I know, I know.. I did it wrong. That's what happens when you skim over someone's blog and don't read thoroughly. But honestly, I couldn't think of a movie that I would be EMBARRASSED to love, if I were embarrassed, then I sure wouldn't list it for fear that you would tease me!!!...and then for sure I would be embarrassed! Have I said that enough.
Ok.. love the pictures of the kids at the pool with their beautiful cousin.
Love your house and love you soo much. And thanks for calling me everytime my song comes on. that means alot!
Tell Ang, that if she still wants me to make any window treatments for you guys, the offer is still there.. that way I can leave my mark on your house.. hA!!!! Remind her that she's got all of that fabric that I gave her and can make stuff from that anytime she wants. If she doesn't want the fabric, she can give it back to me..it won't hurt my feelings at all...
ok.. much love to you guys and your need house.. and Lord bless Angela for homeschooling.. she's my new hero!
lisa b.
just wanted you to know that laura sent us caswell girls a package since she can't be with us this summer...and in it she made us a wake up cd...and travis cottrell made the cut!!
so we'll be gettin our praise on bright and early every morning with you!! :)
Dear Travis,
I just wanted you to know how precious your ministry is to my family. My husband and I had a wonderful time at the Cove. We just marvel at your talents and are so thankful you have used them to glorify God. I am still praying for the sweet souls that stood during the concert. We also loved Seth's parents they were a hit!
I just want to thank you for your humilty and example of obdience to our precious Saviour. Your music helps my family keep praise and worship a part of our daily walk. I am praying for your ministy and asking God to richly bless you and your family.
Thank you!
Isaiah 26.8- You name and renown are the desires of our hearts!
I love that you named your tree!! :) My husband and I tend to name things as well. Speaking of names, I love your kids' names ... and Lily Kate's tenacity! They look like a fun bunch.
cute pics!
When I was growing up I used to go to the Garden Basket and get icees.
I am from Kingsport,Tn, which isn't too far from Boone.
Our high school band(Dobyns Bennett) played in a marching competition at Appy State in 1980. It was sooooo cold that day. It was snowing in November.
Travis! I know it has been years and years, but I have enjoyed listening to your music and I have been so excited to see how God has so amazingly used your talents and your voice. My daughter loves to listen to you in the car, and when she wants to hear you, she always asks, "Can I hear your friend from college?" I loved my time at ASU. Time flies much too fast! But God is good! All the time! God bless you and your ministry! (Don't worry, I like exclamation points too!) In Christ, Oliver Helsabeck
so glad to see you're enjoying some fun summer time activities and some much needed rest! It's always great to have a fun cousin come visit and entertain the kids!
Hope all is well!
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