Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I want to thank my friends Big and Boo for their TOTAL MAEDIA BLITZ of my Christmas CD. They are truly great friends...and their effort to make sure that everyone knows about this project is very humbling.

Hey, Big and Boo...Frydaddy thanks you!

And I promise to return the favor one day, when you both release your own Christmas CD's. You have my word.

Big is doing a giveaway of Ring The Bells this week. If you want to register to win a free copy, hop on over to her blog.

Thanks again, friends.


Sarah said...

I lost on Boo Mama's, and I have my fingers (and toes for that matter) crossed on Big Mama's. C'mon Mr. Random Integer -- show me some Christmas love!

Holly said...

I've already purchased a few for me and my Chris and for friends. I am praying that this will become the next Amy Grant Christmas album--played over and over and drawing kids (like me, who didn't grow up listening to Christian music) to begin their journey wth Christ.

Anonymous said...

Bought it! So excited!!!! Holidays are here for me!! Christmas time!!!

The Wootens said...

Chris Thomason is giving away CD's too!

The Wootens said...

Chris Thomason is giving away CD's too!

Kelly S. said...

I pre-ordered and can't wait to recieve them so I can listen to the whole thing!!

Congrats on iTunes....and have fun at your reunion. Enjoy the mountains! Fall is my favorite season in ETN!! It is already very colorful here.

Kelli said...

HMMMM Singalong to Travis' CD with Big and Boo.... I think I hear a December podcast.... :)

I can't wait to get the CD! Congratulations!

Aimee said...

I had every intention of buying the Christmas CD after the concert on Sunday night. HOWEVER, I had the privilege of meeting one of my most fav praise & worship leaders!!! I went from 29 years old to 9 in 1.5 seconds flat and then left the sanctuary giggling (like the 5th grader I had become) and went straight to my car! Cannot wait to get it this week! Congrats on #4!!!

boomama said...

Well, we love you and Angela. And the CD is great. So it was pretty much a no-brainer.

Right now I'm working on a special monotone version of "Tennessee Christmas" for my Christmas CD. "AY-NUTH-ER TAYN-DER TINN-AH-SEE CHRIST-MUS" - it's gonna be SO AWESOME.

Rang yaw bell. RANG IT!

Tricia Hicks said...

Travis...I am downloading from itunes as I write this. I can't wait to win no stinkin contest! I'll be singing at work today!!

Anonymous said...

hey ya'll I just had to introduce... My name is Rose and I love to worship...No place I'ld rather be then in His presence Singin, and lifting hands(if they are not playin)i hadn't heard of you till now but mama shore is going off so you must be amazing! And Beth Moore's worship leader? You're living the dream man!I'll have to get the CD.

Anonymous said...

It took me five minutes to translate Boo's lyrics. I actually pro-nun-ciated for 5 minutes til I got it. Dumb Californian that I am.

Karen in CA

Big Mama said...

I'm inspired. In fact, I'm going to start working on my Christmas CD right now.

Anonymous said...

Travis, you have made my day!!! When I heard that you were putting together a Christmas cd, I began praying that you'd put O Holy Night on it. I do not buy a Christmas cd unless it has O Holy Night, but I would have broken my long-standing rule for you. But now I don't have to!!! I can not wait to get this one!

I might also have to break my rule of "no Christmas music before Thanksgiving"!

You rock!

Grace said...

I can't wait to get your CD. You are so loved in our house!! Last night Grace and I were on our way to church listening to one of your CDs and she said, "Mama can you believe how close we were to him (SA)? He was right there in front of us!" She was so excited!

While I'm thinking of Christmas (presents) you have In Christ Alone on any of your accompaniment CD's? My sweet mother would really like to have that.

I also happened upon a great photo of you on my friend Jon Nicholas' Facebook yesterday. It would make a great flair piece. :o)

Darlene R. said...

Ok, so I'm waiting for mine to come in the mail! I am so excited to get it!

PS- I hope you got those cinnamon rolls worked off today! :)
I DID NOT get the Oreos worked off!

ngallo said...

I'm a lurker ... never a blogger. But this CD was enough to bring me out into the light. I knew the CD was released, but since I'd ordered one online, I could run out and buy a copy. Fortunately, my AUTOGRAPHED copy was waiting for me when I got home tonight. O Holy Night is spectacular!!!!!

Now ... get to work on your next CD! ;-) Can't wait to see what you're going to come up with!

Dianne said...

Bought mine in Bham Sunday night and have listened to it all week. Excellent! Excellent!

Stayingstrong said...

My first time to comment on your blog even though I have always been a fan of yours! I couldn't resist saying ... Truly Amazing! It's hard to have a favorite Christmas song, but O Holy Night has just always been mine... This song, this CD - Outstanding!

Shelley said...

I entered Boo's contest and lost. Then I went straight to iTunes and downloaded the album. Seriously Travis, I love it! I am SO ready for Christmas now! My kids and I were singing along to Let it Snow and Frosty on the way to school yesterday. I love all the songs. You did a fabulous job. I will be buying several for family and friends for Christmas this year!

Oh, and is there another podcast planned??? You three are always so funny to listen in on!

Timothy Hill said...

You got friends named Big Mama and Boo Mama! And I know now why y'all kept calling our Boomerang Cafe the Boo Mama Cafe. lol.

The Wootens said...

Just wanted to say:

YAY! I won the give-away on Chris's blog!!! He's way cool--even though (no, especially because) his wife wears yellow tights! :)

Secondly, I just discovered this whole BooMama/BigMama/FryDaddy podcast thing! I have laughed my head off and stayed up way too late listening to this! You people are hilarious...and, I think if my family ever takes a trip to Nashville, I'd really prefer to skip all the sights and just go let Angela teach me to cook! Sounds like she comes up with some really healthy, good stuff!