Friday, November 5, 2010

Peace Out

This video is wrought with irony.

Peace Out from Travis Cottrell on Vimeo.

Sibling peace. A work in progress.


Gran Jan said...

Travis - I am cracking up over here. Oh she got him good.

Reminds me of the time our boys were in children'schoir at church, singing "The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that's the book for me..." And had a shove fest right there on the back row of said children's choir. It was not good. They both "stood alone" on the Word of God that night...

Your kids are great.

GA Jan :)

Amanda said...

This should go viral. So dang funny.

Momma Jensen said...

Kids - It is a darn good thing we love 'em!

I laughed, out loud. Sorry, Travis!
Still laughing as a matter of fact.

Same stuff happens at my house. I am very thankful to see it happening elsewhere!

God bless!

The Wootens said...

Same thing happened @ my house today--except it was a recording (by Mary Beth) on my cell phone of "how much I love you, Mommy..." with abrupt bursts of "My name is NO-AH..N-O-A-H...that's how you 'pell it!" ...followed by MUCH screaming--snarling-- wailing, from my "loving" daughter. Glad she loves ME--maybe the love can spread to little bro?

m_schildy11 said...

That's super funny! I have a similar video that involves some ramen noodles hitting the floor followed by "Well there goes my lunch!"

3girlsmom said...

Having a little brother, I can say PERFECTION.


AnnieBlogs said...

Truly. I miss those small people so much. And I. Am. Laughing.

fuzzytop said...

ha ha ha! That was hilarious....

Leanne said...

That is a video MADE to be shown at a wedding reception. HA HA HA!!! Love that girl.

Anonymous said...

Priceless-peace on Earth to men-excluding brother

Lindsey said...

hahahahahaha!!!! I love it.

Lindsee said...

I have 2 brothers. And no sisters. I totally get this. Hilarious!

Jill said...

BAHAHAHA! That is awesome.

Peace out.

Anonymous said...

Despite your somewhat abnormal life, you have a normal life. Ha!

Daniel Semsen said...


I love that you can juuuuuuuust hear a little bit of Levi crying at the end. HAHA.

Anonymous said...

I just spit coffee on myself. Poor Levi. Oh how I love it.

Daniel Semsen said...

we all just gathered around my laptop to watch this video at my birthday party.

Anonymous said...

L-O-V-E this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April & Gracie

Bonnie said...

I love this so much I cannot put into words how much I love it! Oh what a perfectly real moment all parents can relate to...thank GOD for how He put these babes together. ENDLESS DELIGHT and ENTERTAINMENT!

Janet Rawls-Cazares said...

OH MY GOSH! THAT IS TOO FUNNY! I can't quit watching it. Thank you for the laugh!

Shelley B. said...

I love this so much... it's made my day at home with 3 contagious no longer sick wild boys much better ;) i love that girl so much and Levi want to hug his neck


Unknown said...

Perfect, just perfect. Could've been planned, so great it wasn't!!! Love it.

Erin Ward said...

Haha! I love the attitude.

Unknown said...

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