I will, won't I?
I have had so many funny things I wanted to blog recently. I should've kept a list, because none of them seem to come to mind at the moment. Maybe it's because it's so stinkin' early. Why must my body insist on acting like I'm 90 and waking me up when I don't have to be up? All those great years when I could've slept, and those kids would wake me up. Now they're up there sleeping soundly, while I am wide awake before the sun. I've a good mind to go wake them up and ask for a bottle or something.
Somebody is a little moody. Maybe a quiet time is in order. :-)
OK...now, that's better.
This is a big week for us. Along with the National Worship Leader Conference (which we will be at on Wednesday), and an Easter musical (which we will be recording on Thursday), we have the first weekend of the Jesus Saves Live tour. Woo hoo!

You can check my website for details like specific locations and times. This weekend our schedule is:
Friday night, July 24 - FBC West Monroe, LA
Saturday night, July 25 Jersey Village Baptist, Houston, TX
Sunday night - FBC Carrollton, TX (Dallas area)
Please, oh please come join us. We are going to have a great time! I will post our next tour weekend's schedule soon (weekend 2 begins on Friday, August 7).
People are starting to stir around here, so I need to go get ready to join this Monday before it starts moving without me. I hope you have a great day.
Ugh. Monday.
Glad you got something on here for us to read even if you were up with the chickens!
Hoping to come to the tour in Douglasville, GA..my friend Michele and I were actually AT the original in Woodstock...truly the.most.amazing. night of worship I've EVER experienced!!
Enjoy these last few days/weeks of summer..it's closing in fast!
Have fun at FBC Carrollton! My home stomping grounds. Pastor Glen is my dad and Pastor Brent is so awesome! Wish we could be there but have concerts ourselves in Perryton TX. Your music totally inspires us!!
Praying for your week and for your family, Travis.
In East Texas everyone said "MON-roe" with the emphasis on the MON for some reason. I'm not sure if that is proper for the folks in LA or not. Try it out and see!
Will Be at First West Friday and CANT WAIT!!
Wooohooo!! I will be there in Monroe! I can't wait! See you Friday!
yeah, I follow you on FB and Twitter, and your Monday Morning Moood was making me laugh! Speaking of, do you have two FB's? Sometimes I see it twice on my feed and I'm confused!
...although it doesn't take much!
Hope you have a good week!
*oops* didn't mean to add the extra "o" in mood...
but then after looking at it, it seems quite appropriate for emphasizing your mooooood! :-)
My mom and I are coming to FBC Carrolton on Sunday night! Can't wait, I know it's going to be a great night of worship.
we were in west monroe. what's the name of the song you opened with?
loved the concert. don't know if you noticed, but we were the family with 3 kids on about the 4th row. i had one of our girls in my lap the whole time, but still managed to worship (hoping to lead by example)! it was the 1st concert for our kids and i was so excited to bring them. thank you to fbcwm for making that so affordable and you and your team for making it so memorable!
Had an awesome time worshiping with you at First West last night! I truly felt like I was worshiping along side my late worship minister and friend last night (he LOVED all your music).
@Anonymous: The girl you were holding didn't happen to be doing the "Walk Like An Egyptian" dance when we were singing Shackles, did she? If so I was right behind you! That was so cute!
Hey, we are in the same sleep- pattern boat. I like the idea of waking the children up for a bottle; that is a hoot. I am excited about seeing you tonight at FBC Carrollton. Love to be in God's presence! Looking forward to it!
Travis: This is the first time I've visited your blog. I needed to come and give you a HUGE thank you! I first heard you in Dec '04 at a LPL event in San Antonio. Your music has been part of my worship ever since. So for that, thank you for using your talents for the kingdom! Okay, so you may ask why the thank you in July '09. Here's the urgency...last weekend I ran the Napa-to-Sonoma Half Marathon. It was my first run to have music with me and I know I must have listened to 2000 Years about 2000 times throughout the race. Okay, so maybe just 20 times but it was so awesome. It was keyed up as crossed the start line and the last song I listened to as I crossed the finish line. And praise be to God, I set a personal record of 2:02 on this run (I'm a little slow). So THANK YOU for helping me on my run last weekend.
PS. I love the Jesus Saves Live. It too is now on my shuffle as I run. Keep running in service! Thanks, Amanda
Thanks for coming to FBC Carrollton! We had an awesome time and a wonderful worship!
I will see you in Nashville in November! Too bad you don't come up north more often, we love Jethro and Ellie Mae! I am still blessed from the Pittsburgh LPL! See you in November. Enjoy the rest of summer with your family.
P.S. While I was browsing for music, I found you, from what seemed a while ago, on a video on youtube with Don Moen. You were among the "background" singers. Ah, I think I like your hair better now than then. :)
Regarding you not really getting into your Monday, instead of calling in sick you can call in vision impared......."I must be having vision problems because I don't really see myself coming to work today"
Who knows, it may work..
I sure wish we lived on the east coast instead of the west coast, we would have have more opportunities to attend a concert. My son takes all my Travis CD's and listens to them all the time. How can you get mad at a 7 year old praising the Lord with Travis and his gang? Especially with his 3 year old sister in tow.
Not this mom.
Thanks for the music.
Travis, I recently purchased your new CD/DVD, "Jesus Saves" and wanted to let you know it is awesome. One of my favorite songs is "Victory in Jesus" and your arrangement is wonderful. Thank you for your dedication to serving our awesome God.
Thank you and pray for my beyond and beyond! Just returned from Greensboro, NC Deeper Still. God used every person on and off of that stage to minister to my spirit! When Beth closed the session with the women in groups of two speaking God's word over each other, It was all I could do not to come runnin! I have been seeking God about a calling I have felt involving worship & ministry. God has blessed me with the honor and privilege to be on our worship team at my home church. But, He continues to give me thoughts that run through my head. I keep taking notes, trying to see where all of this leads. I am so thrilled to see Him adding another step in the calling. This fall I have the privilege to worship with my sisters in Christ at our women's retreat. He slowly started revealing things to me about two years ago on a missions trip in Canada. That was the first opportunity I had been given to lead a women's retreat and let me tell you, GOD in all His Glory, shook me up, used all of my God-given gifts and all of my insecurity to make me wholly dependent on Him. HE WAS SO AWESOME AND VICTORIOUS! He took my shell of a vessel and filled it till it poured and overflowed. I want to know that I totally in His perfect will.
I can not tell you again how He used Kay, Priscilla, and Beth's sessions to confirm areas in my life. I believe with all my heart He this passion for this calling is from Him. I want to just shout from the mountain tops of all His wonderful works and share His Good News! Please pray as I continue to write down phrases and thoughts and prepare for this upcoming retreat. I watched you this weekend and His glory just radiates from you as you lead God's people into a place of worship. I can't wait to see where He in going to use all of these little gems He has been revealing to me. Maybe they are simply to grow me and my family because I know that my children are mission fields within themselves. Beth mentioned Him being the bread of his presence and referenced Deuteronomy 6. About two years ago God challenged me to start incorporating His Word, into our daily lives. Making it visible at all times to my children, as well as to me and my husband. We have verses in the laundry room, and just finished painting cabinet knobs for our kitchen that God inspired. I knew the knobs were supposed to be related to scripture, but didn't want to stifle my kids creativity with assigning verses to them to use. I firmly believed that if God inspired His Word, he could inspire my children's art to relate to His word. They didn't know what the vision was for this project, but when all was done, God revealed a verse that went with every knob, all 30! Even things that my four year old painted that had little shape or form, God was able to reveal verses. I would be studying to find other verses and suddenly, The colors and placement of them on her knobs would just scream out a verse that I would run across. I could hear God say, "This is ME! This is the one I want! Tell them this!" I believe that is what He is saying to me NOW in all those other things he has been sharing. "This is ME! I believe he is calling me to be the "one He wants" and I am going to seek him and tell everyone all that He gives me to tell. So with that being said, I continue to study His word, soak in his presence, and record all He is inspiring. Please pray as I move forward in this calling. Any advice or wisdom you have to share would be so appreciated. I know He can use things He has taught you to make me grow even more in Him!
Diana Bowman, Wilson, NC
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