I don't like seeing dust on my white baseboards so I'm constantly addressing it. I'm beginning to think that painting them a pretty shade of "dust" could free up tons of time. I may ask Sherwin Williams if they have such a color in a semi-gloss!
I loathe washing dishes!!!! I'll have to admit that cooking ranks pretty close, too. I love to bake because who doesn't love the outcome of baking? But cooking...I get so tired of the negative comments from my children. Any suggestions?
folding laundry. putting it away. which may be why our laundry room currently has stacks of clothes in a basket. my 9 year old thinks her 2nd dresser is the laundry room.
I am with Lisa and Joanne - I hate unloading the dishwasher. Don't know why - just do...and include the dishes that have to washed by hand - I hate putting those away too :)
DUSTING!! It is a never ending chore. I have an entire village of dust bunnies that live at my house, constantly manufacturing more and more dust. UUUGGGHHHH!!
I'd wash the pan any day if it kept me from dusting!
I LOATHE grocery shopping..because it seems so darn inefficient. You put all the stuff IN your cart, take it to the check out and take it OUT of the cart..only to put it back IN the cart to take it OUT to the car to load IN the car....drive home and take it OUT of the car to take it IN to the house, to put IN the pantry and fridge....can't someone invent an MRI to scan the carts as we go through the check out, so we don't have to handle it so much????? :) Kelly
My least favorite chore would be putting clothes away. I will admit sometimes I open the door of the dryer and tell myself they are still wet even if they aren't just so I won't have to put them away and I can run the dryer again. I know I shouldn't admit that. Ha Ha!
Hum. . . I think it's a tie between washing dishes and cleaning the bathroom. I can't stand either of these! Ah. . if I only had a maid!!! Hey, a girl can dream can't she?
Tell Angela I've got some Monopoly money she can borrow!
A close second is grocery shopping. I don't mind the actual shopping part, but by the time I get to the checkout, I'm done, when I'm actually only halfway through.
I don't like repetitive chores, like dishes and laundry (if I do all the laundry in one day). I can clean a bathroom, vacuum, dust, etc as long as I do it once a week or so. It doesn't bother me. But cleaning up the kitchen three times a day, loading unloading the dishwasher, yuck!
Unloading the dishwasher, folding the clothes out of the dryer, cleaning bathrooms. And, every single one of these things needs to be done right now. Ugh.
Just one? Well...I hate unloading the dishwasher, but the thing I REALLY hate to do is clean the dog slober off of the windows in our doors. HATE THAT. How can a 7 lb. dog have so much spittle?
The other night hubby offered me a million bucks if I would get him a glass of ice water. I told him I was still waiting for him to pay up from the last few hundred times he said the same thing....
To answer your question - clutter... I hate picking up the clutter, cuz' dang it, most of the time it isn't mine. It's amazing how much miscellaneous stuff my family can deposit in every room in the house in just a few days!
Lugging the groceries from store to the car to the kitchen and in the cabinets/frig. I usually put off going to the groc as long as I can, so then I have 100 bags and each of them weighs about 100 lbs. I stay in the store so long (becasue I haven't been in SO LONG) that the annual monsoon starts while I'm in there, and everything gets wet, including me. Ugh.
Ironing...it used to be dishes, until I heard Beth say at LPL Jacksonville, "How are you gonna tell somebody there's victory in Jesus if you can't even get victory over a sink of dirty dishes?"
And yes, my husband hates ironing equally as much as I do. So, if we ever iron something for each other, it's like a loud way of saying, "I love you!" :)
I hate toilets and tubs. Every Saturaday when we were growing up I would trade my sister all the vacuuming in the house if I could do the sink and mirror and she would do the toilet and tub.
Laundry. Every single part of it. I feel like the lady in the commercial where the laundry ball is rolling after her. I think I’ve had that nightmare! Congrats on the CD! What a work of God and act of faithfulness! Blessings, Amy
Shower scum. Once I get it clean I don't want anyone to take a shower. A little self-defeating.
Have I ever sent you this: http://www.mauriandsherry.com/2008/12/05/simulthink/
or this: http://www.mauriandsherry.com/2009/04/18/beth-moore-comes-to-portland/
We're fans, as you can see, and are now wondering if we can hold out until Albuquerque to buy your CD. We're hearing from our friends how wonderful it is!
I am passionate about Jesus, and about my family. And I LOVE my life as a worshipper of the Most High God. And I love my job...my calling...as a worship leader. I travel with Beth Moore and lead worship at her Living Proof Live conferences. It is an honor and a joy. I am crazy about the team I travel with, and the music we get to lift up to Jesus. I am also the Worship Pastor at Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, TN. I love the people of EBC, and am so grateful to be serving Jesus alongside them!
Definitely, dishes! I'm 53 and I don't own a dishwasher and I never have. That's just wrong.
I'd wash your dishes for a year for a million bucks!
Melana in Wyoming
Bathroom floors. Three young boys. 'Nuff said.
I don't like seeing dust on my white baseboards so I'm constantly addressing it. I'm beginning to think that painting them a pretty shade of "dust" could free up tons of time. I may ask Sherwin Williams if they have such a color in a semi-gloss!
I loathe washing dishes!!!! I'll have to admit that cooking ranks pretty close, too. I love to bake because who doesn't love the outcome of baking? But cooking...I get so tired of the negative comments from my children. Any suggestions?
I don't mind loading the dishwasher..., but I hate unloading and putting away.
I'm glad God gave me a son whose job that now is.
Blessings ~ Lisa
Unloading the dishwasher. Putting laundry away.
Never takes very long...unless you add in all the procrastination.
folding laundry. putting it away. which may be why our laundry room currently has stacks of clothes in a basket. my 9 year old thinks her 2nd dresser is the laundry room.
Patty said putting away laundry.
I hate folding it.
Laundry, laundry, laundry, laundry, laundry. It's NEVER done!
I dislike cleaning the shower and dusting. I actually enjoy cleaning the kitchen. :)
I am with Lisa and Joanne - I hate unloading the dishwasher. Don't know why - just do...and include the dishes that have to washed by hand - I hate putting those away too :)
If it has to do with housework, I don't like it.
DUSTING!! It is a never ending chore. I have an entire village of dust bunnies that live at my house, constantly manufacturing more and more dust. UUUGGGHHHH!!
I'd wash the pan any day if it kept me from dusting!
I LOATHE grocery shopping..because it seems so darn inefficient. You put all the stuff IN your cart, take it to the check out and take it OUT of the cart..only to put it back IN the cart to take it OUT to the car to load IN the car....drive home and take it OUT of the car to take it IN to the house, to put IN the pantry and fridge....can't someone invent an MRI to scan the carts as we go through the check out, so we don't have to handle it so much?????
Cleaning bathrooms! Gross!!!
Hope you are doing well... Tell Angela I said hey!
My least favorite chore would be putting clothes away. I will admit sometimes I open the door of the dryer and tell myself they are still wet even if they aren't just so I won't have to put them away and I can run the dryer again. I know I shouldn't admit that. Ha Ha!
Hum. . . I think it's a tie between washing dishes and cleaning the bathroom. I can't stand either of these! Ah. . if I only had a maid!!! Hey, a girl can dream can't she?
Tell Angela I've got some Monopoly money she can borrow!
Much love,
Oh my gosh, I loooove loading the dishwasher. But I refuse to do it at home because my roommates will not follow my dishwasher guidelines.
It's all about putting laundry away. Worst chore ever.
Game night tonight. You coming?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....
I wish I had the money to loan Angela!
Least favorite - washing the same stinkin' clothes week in and week out....dishes are pretty bad, too!
(Love Sitesx6's idea....grocery shopping - another dreaded chore!)
Laundry. It just may kill me one day.
A close second is grocery shopping. I don't mind the actual shopping part, but by the time I get to the checkout, I'm done, when I'm actually only halfway through.
Bathrooms and dusting... Well, and trying to do windows... I always see spots I missed :)
Tell Angela I will send her a dollar for her fund :)
laundry. but specifically turning all my husband's tshirts and boxers right side out
If you came to my house right now you'd think "mowing the grass is definitely Jon's least favorite chore", but it's actually folding laundry.
I don't like repetitive chores, like dishes and laundry (if I do all the laundry in one day). I can clean a bathroom, vacuum, dust, etc as long as I do it once a week or so. It doesn't bother me. But cleaning up the kitchen three times a day, loading unloading the dishwasher, yuck!
Dusting - dusting - dusting!
Love a clean bathroom - don't mind laundry - it's that blasted dusting that gets to me.
But dust I must!
Blessings - have fun in NC! I lived there till 7th grade (my Dad was a Marine - we lived in Cherry Point, NC - loved going to Morehead City Beach...)!
Georgia Jan
cleaning the bathrooms!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unloading the dishwasher, folding the clothes out of the dryer, cleaning bathrooms. And, every single one of these things needs to be done right now. Ugh.
Thats enough for now.
Just one? Well...I hate unloading the dishwasher, but the thing I REALLY hate to do is clean the dog slober off of the windows in our doors. HATE THAT. How can a 7 lb. dog have so much spittle?
ha ha
sooooo funny!! Glad you are blogging again. I missed your funny ways.
Least fav chore? Grocery shopping. :(
The other night hubby offered me a million bucks if I would get him a glass of ice water. I told him I was still waiting for him to pay up from the last few hundred times he said the same thing....
To answer your question - clutter... I hate picking up the clutter, cuz' dang it, most of the time it isn't mine. It's amazing how much miscellaneous stuff my family can deposit in every room in the house in just a few days!
Lugging the groceries from store to the car to the kitchen and in the cabinets/frig. I usually put off going to the groc as long as I can, so then I have 100 bags and each of them weighs about 100 lbs. I stay in the store so long (becasue I haven't been in SO LONG) that the annual monsoon starts while I'm in there, and everything gets wet, including me. Ugh.
taking out the trash. hate it.
oh and cleaning the cat box.
Ironing...it used to be dishes, until I heard Beth say at LPL Jacksonville, "How are you gonna tell somebody there's victory in Jesus if you can't even get victory over a sink of dirty dishes?"
And yes, my husband hates ironing equally as much as I do. So, if we ever iron something for each other, it's like a loud way of saying, "I love you!" :)
kitchen and bathroom floors! yuck!
I hate toilets and tubs. Every Saturaday when we were growing up I would trade my sister all the vacuuming in the house if I could do the sink and mirror and she would do the toilet and tub.
Matching the socks...I usually let them stack up until I have to go buy more because the stack is the size of Mt. Everest.
Sad and pathetic...I know.
cleaning our tile shower. Never seems clean enough and never stays clean. hate it.
Scrubbing floors!
Laundry. Every single part of it. I feel like the lady in the commercial where the laundry ball is rolling after her. I think I’ve had that nightmare! Congrats on the CD! What a work of God and act of faithfulness! Blessings, Amy
Shower scum. Once I get it clean I don't want anyone to take a shower. A little self-defeating.
Have I ever sent you this:
or this:
We're fans, as you can see, and are now wondering if we can hold out until Albuquerque to buy your CD. We're hearing from our friends how wonderful it is!
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