Happy Monday to you. I don't have ANYTHING to do this week, what with the recording event just 6 days away. No preparations to make, no rehearsing to do, no emails to send. So, because my time is so free, I'm all the more glad to be where I have to be tonight.
Driver Safety School.
Been there, my brother. It's boring, but perhaps someone needs to hear about the Lord?
Other than that, you can begin writing some new jingles ala Sammy Hagar, "I can't drive 55!"
I feel safer already :)
Oh. Ouch.
Don't they know it's a holiday?!
Was it your driving that got you there or that lovely hat you have been sporting around? Perhaps the officer thought you were a Russian undercover spy??
Well now....
Sounds like quite an evening...SO glad you don't have anything going on this week! :)
Praying for you and everyone involved this weekend. Looking forward to praising Jesus with you!
Bummer. I had to do the same thing. Anytime between October 20th and December 17th. Fortunately, like you, I didn't have anything at all going on in that span of time. There weren't holidays to prepare for or anything like that. I had to be there TWO nights for 4 hours each. I went the first 2 Tuesdays of November. It was torture. Good luck!
Are you doing the online version that doesn't advance until you've spent a certain amount of time on each module (yawn...), or the in-person kind where the chump up front tries to be funny, but, um...isn't (double yawn...)?
Either way...SO sorry!
that. is. hilarious. hahaha
I had to do that last summer...in Indiana we can take it over the internet...I don't know if that is true for everyone but it is worth checking into...
Obviously, it was not ultra exciting but you just do it in segments at your convenience rather than having to be at a certain place at a certain time.
Oops! Have fun and learn a lot!
I got stopped for speeding right outside our church's Ministry Center as I was taking my husband to leadership meeting. :/ A couple of the deacons drove by and had a good chuckle. Oops. (But I did NOT get a ticket!)
Better quit puttin' the pedal to the medal huh Trav!!
What an exciting and delightful way to spend your time off!! LOL
You're so excited and you just can't hide it...
I got my one and only ticket last year on my way to a doctor's appointment for breast cancer in Louisville, KY. I could have used the sympathy card but didn't. I took it and hung my head and went on. I then did what any smart woman would do...I GOT OUT OF IT!!!! It sure does pay to know people in important positions!!!!
Yuck. Boring. Slow. Down.
Hey Trav, your loved and blessed!!! Yea, b/c God disciplines those he loves!!! That ticket just means He loves you a lot! Receive it, embrace it, love it! It's all good.
Whoops! Get ready--they will ask you a trick question. What does a green light mean? Go? NO! It means proceed iwth caution.
Well, that's what someone who went to one of those classes told me, anyway.
Looking forward to praising with you this weekend! I am bringing my mama, and two sisters for a girls weekend in ATL! I could not think of a better way to end a fun weekend, than to worship our Creator! Can't wait, and I will be praying for you and your praise team!
shut up.. r u kidding me?!?!?
haha that is classic
Somehow I could imagine this of Beth. But you, Travis? jk!
Here's the message for ya'...
Slow down.
Be still.
Somehow I could imagine this of Beth. But you, Travis? jk!
Here's the message for ya'...
Slow down.
Be still.
I sense some sarcasm in your post today... :)
Looking forward to SUNDAY!!!!!!! Can't wait!
read your Bible more Trav: Be STILL and know that I am God.
looking forward to this Sunday.
My husband says I've been to Driver's Safety School so much I could easily teach the course. Ha! Ha! Nobody goes to DSS just for the learnin' so maybe your a "speed demon" like me.
Been there. Done that. Several times. No sympathy.
Uh-OH!!!! Travis, it appears you have the same disease that my daughter has. I guess she got it from me-----I was the recipient of a driving certificate in March 2008! No fun......no mon.
On another note......my siesta and I are soooooooexcited about Sunday night @ Woodstock. See you there!
By the way, caption to your $4.99 hat below...
"that there's what you call an R.V. Clark"
(You look like cousin Eddie from Christmas vacation!!!)
Since you have all this free time you should..not NEED to record a new podcast with Big Mama and Boo Mama. Ya'll just make me laugh and I mean laugh so hard pee in your pants. I think Ya'll were separated at birth.
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