Monday, September 28, 2009

Drama Free Since '83

I think the last drama I watched regularly on TV was Dallas, and I'm not kidding (and that is another thing that goes on the "What Were My Parents Thinking, Letting Me Watch That" list). TV dramas have never been really appealing to me. I never watched Lost. Or ER. Or Law and Order. Or CSI. Or Dr. Quinn. Or West Wing. The closest I've gotten is Chuck, but I really count that as an hour-long comedy. Monk, too...also a comedy. I think I would like 24, but I haven't had time to give it any emotional investment, or start from the very first season and watch all the way through. I probably will someday.

I don't really know when I stopped liking them. I remember loving to watch TV dramas with my dad when I was little. We watched Barnaby Jones, Hawaii Five-0, Cannon, Quincy, MD (I just accidentally typed in Quincy Jones, MD), among others. I even loved The Waltons growing up. But it's been a long time since I have been compelled to give a serious show an hour of my time.

I DVR'd the new show Flash Forward at the recommendation of a friend. I might try to watch it this weekend. It just seems like a commitment that I don't have time to make right now. And the premise stresses me out a little bit. Who wants to flash forward 6 months ahead in your life, see some heartache, and then flash back to real life, only to have live with the knowledge of that heartache for the next 6 months? I don't know. If I check it out, I'll let you know. Did anybody watch it?

Do you watch dramas? If you had to pick one all-time favorite TV drama, what would it be?

Am I really going to have to pick Dallas or The Waltons? Good grief. That makes me sound 97. Good night, John Boy.


Anonymous said...

I haven't watched a drama seen 30-something went off the air . I was so depressed I promised myself I would NEVER get that invested in a TV show again and I haven't.
Liz H

Big Mama said...

My Me-Ma loved Dallas and she was only 85.

Sarah said...

I loved Boston Legal, may it rest in peace. And I watched pretty much every year of ER, except the second half of the last season. Does that even make sense? Our Tivo died mid-season that year, and we never caught up.

The Cooleys said...

We are hooked on 24 and love NCIS! Don't get started on 24 unless you have a LOT of free time on your hands!

3girlsmom said...

You never watched Dr. Quinn?


I am questioning my loyalty to you now.


Heather said...

I totally watched Dallas growing up and also wonder what my parents were thinking!!

H said...

Ok, my hubby is seriously impressed that you are going to attempt to watch Flash Forward...that is his new favorite at the moment, and he is a 24 FANATIC. Watch it from the beginning; you will NOT be sorry! And P.S...I am SO excited to see and worship with you and Beth Moore in Memphis next weekend! Ten more days:)

KB said...

I watch House and Monk fairly religiously. Um, and Biggest Loser. Gone are the days of The Bill Cosby Show and Family Dies. Family sitcoms, RIP.

KB said...

that was..."family ties." but the typo was appropriate, yes? :)

AbbyLane said...

ditto to robyns comment (3girlsmom) what else was there to DO in boone/lenoir BUT race home from sunday night church, grab the breyers vanilla ice cream and oooo and ahhhh over SULLEY :)

have to admit after successfully refusing for 2 seasons, i got sucked into Greys. :(

but i'm a major i love lucy fan :)

Sherry said...

The Closer! It's a short season but worth waiting for.

Holly said...

My Chris and I LOVE towatch "24." We got it from our local library and have now watched the first 6 seasons over the past year...yeah, my BP is up, hee hee, but I also love to guess what's going to happen next. You definitely need to watch it in order, though. We also watch Monk and Psych, which is so much fun with all it's 80's references and humor.

michellemabell said...

My all time favorite is Little House on the Prairie no question. Loved that show...still do. :)
And then Columbo.

L84sky said...

I can't "commit" to watching a drama either. It really sucks you in. I know people who plan their weeks around the TV!! Plus, most of the ones on TV today are so laden with ungodliness (sex and violence)that it will slowly invade your mind and trick you into believing that kind of life is exciting and ok. We stick to the Disney Channel around here!! ;)

Jordan said...

I watched Flash Forward, and loved it so far, but I also am a huge LOST fan. They're kind of similar.

Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

Law and just takes less commitment than the others. The episodes stand alone. Sometimes there are little story lines that might flow from one to the other, but when I miss a few episodes I don't feel lost the next time I see it. That's why I don't do the other serial dramas....just one more thing that has too many expectations of me. :)

BTW, Dallas was a classic.

Susan C. said...

I like Murder She Wrote and Monk. Most of the new shows are a waste of time.

Anonymous said...


Susan B. said...

I love to watch House and CSI Miami. My husband likes Lie to Me. Chuck is another favorite of our household.

AMENMom said...

I watched Alias and West Wing pretty happily, and I'm digging The Mentalist right now, mainly becuase the storyline isn't connected, so I can miss episodes and still understand what's oging on.

Frequent blogging--yay you!

Unknown said...

At least you didn't mention Murder She Wrote... Mine as of late has to be two Heroes and Lost. That's all I can take right now. I might try Flash Forward when my shows are off season.

Irene Weeks said...

I used to watch Knots Landing and Magnum PI with my dad (also... what was he thinking!!) You know, I have found that having kids makes those TV dramas seem so much more inappropriate than they did back then. And well, the TV dramas of today should not be shown in prime time but rather should have an "R" rating and on late night TV... but I'm just saying... now I sound 97! :)

Anonymous said...

LOST! What a fun show. That is probably the only "drama" that we watch and Grey's Anatomy (mostly hubby as I'm doing my study during those nights) in the Psalms.

We started LOST from the first season and caught ourselves up to speed. Jan kicks off the last season when everything is supposed to come to an end and we'll have answers to things. The show is so interesting and very clever. How can somebody create all those aspects?! It's fun too, it makes you think hard about things. It does have references to the Bible, a lot actually... There's a lot of hidden meanings and unanswered questions...the parts that keep you guessing I suppose. But in watching it you can relate certain characters to those in the Bible or certain experiences, etc. I'm sure there's all a reason why the writer uses it for what he does.

MO Momma said...

Every Friday night when I was little (and I'm talking like 2nd grade little) my family settled in with Dallas and Falcon Crest! On Th nights we watched, Knots Landing--which, of course, was J.R. Ewing's brother, Gary. There's NO WAY I'd let my kids watch that kind of stuff! Wondering why I was allowed to. Yet, also amazed that I wasn't really phased by what I saw? Must be the grace of God! :o) I completely agree--TV dramas are just not the same. What about some Magnum, P.I.?! Or, one of my personal favorites, Little House on the Prairie. :o) I watched some ER in college, but then it fizzled for me. Today's "dramas" are filled with too much crime and "trauma drama". I really miss the old 70s/80s sitcoms too! Alice, Facts of Life, WKRP, Diff'rent Strokes, Family Ties--All time fave!--and the Cosby Show.

Anonymous said...

Yes, as 6-year-old in 1983 (or whenever it was), it boggles my mind to know that I wondered "who shot JR."

But the only TV drama I deemed worthy of my time over the last 15 years or so would be LOST. That show is STINKIN' GOOD. I know I would probably like 24, but never had time for it. Quite possible I could rent it and watch it from start to finish.

Hubs set the DVR for Flash Forward last night b/c he thinks it looks interesting. We'll see!

Joy A.

Leslie Maddox said...

All-time favorite: Hands down, it's gotta be Jericho. I will forever consider it a tragedy that it lasted only two seasons (and barely that).

Other faves: Heroes, In Plain Sight, The Closer, House. I also love NCIS, but I find it so humorous that I can't classify it as a true drama.

Tarah said...

You're missing out on Lost! My husband doesn't watch much, Lost and 24 are it for him. And he'd pick Lost over 24. 24 can be watched on DVD, whole season style....but beware, it's nearly impossible to stop yourself once you get going and know the rest is just a click away! Prepare to watch entire season in a matter of days.

The only new show we've contemplated watching over the last couple years is House. But, we don't have much time for something new.

fuzzytop said...

Oh, definitely "The Closer". It's really the only show I watch, other than Fox News. Hubby and I rented and watched the first two seasons of 24 all at once; Jack Bauer from a fire hose.....

In general I LOVE the whole time travel concept, but the premise of Flash Forward does seem depressing and sad.


Anonymous said...

I'm not even going to go for the obvious jokes here. I like to work for my zingers, and you, my friend, make it way too easy.

Seriously though, 24 will change your life. There were a few less-than-stellar seasons, but overall, Jack Bauer is my hero. I watched 3 seasons in 2 weeks before, and it affected my psyche. I wouldn't recommend it. Every time I drove to the grocery store I felt like I was in a car chase.

Anonymous said...


Shelly said...

Nate and I love NCIS. It's suspenseful, but not so much to the degree like 24 where you can't sleep for the next 2 nights.
The character development is great and there are also some fun witty one-liner comments dispensed throughout.
Additionally, unlike Burn Notice and some of the likes, they don't make the actors and actresses so Hollywood'ish in their physical appearance, so it doesn't stink up that show in that potential element either.
I could totally dig Grey's and House and all that jazz I think, but hospitals and the accompanying tragedies make me too sad. I get enough of that in life as it is, so no thanks.
Other than that, they were showing a Cosby marathon the other night, and I was glued :)

Pat n fl said...

Don't know if it is considered a drama but I love Army Wives and then I like the Closer.

Dionna said...

I don't watch any current dramas. I watch reality shows (American Idol, Survivor) and we DVR old ones - (7th Heaven, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Christy) etc. I used to watch Dallas too - wonder if it comes back on how I'd feel if my kids watched it? HA HA

I'm just not too into the crime shows - although I used to love TJ Hooker. :)

Favorite of all time? Probably Little House on the Prairie.

Deirdre said...


amazing stuff. and Babylon 5.

but I don't watch TV according to the networks schedule. I mostly watch football from August to February, then from Feb to August my husband picks a show or a set of movies that he wants to introduce me to. I think I'm in for all of Start Trek next summer.

and I was never allowed to watch Dallas. BUT we were allowed to watch the Dukes of Hazzard and listen to the opening THEME of Dallas. I was in high school band you see, so I *needed* to hear it played properly so I could reproduce the right sound.

Nancy said...

When I was little I begged my parents to let me stay with my Grandma while they went to some performance my big sister was in, just so I could watch the Waltons. So, I loved John Boy more than I loved my sister.

Haven't watched much drama since then either. I do watch 24, but not really because I like it. It just sucked me in and won't let me go--I can't help it.

Daniel Semsen said...

It's really a shame you haven't seen LOST. It is EPIC.

Mary said...

BooMama is your girl when it comes to "All Things TV." You really must seek the advice of a professional when investing in TV drama. Her recaps of The Office, AI, Bachelorette, etc. have saved me countless wasted hours. Yep, Boo's got the 411!

Mary said...

My hubby and I heart NCIS and The Mentalist. Both are on CBS. A drama with a little humor and great characters!

Anonymous said...

24 is the best 60 minutes of T.V EVER! I had never watched it until about a year ago. My son starting renting it by seasons and I somehow found myself watching it with him. I love this show. Never a dull moment and keeps you guessing at every turn.

Old shows? I loved Magnum P.I.

Kelli said...

Definitely LOST. It is the only show I have been really loyal to!

Renee said...

NCIS! love it! My 14 year old son and 17 year old son and I watch it together. Unlike almost EVERY other show on television, it is rare...very rare that I am uncomfortable with them watching it.

Unknown said...


I have to confess that I am a TV Junkie, and my heart was jumping for joy when I read that you watched Chuck! Did you know it is coming back in January?