Monday, September 21, 2009

Deeper Still Orlando

Deeper Still - Orlando from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.

There is also a fun video that Bigmama made over at the LifeWay Women All Access blog. Check it out.


Donna from Palm Coast said...

It's great to see the video. What a marvelous weekend! The Word was piercing, and confirmed so much to me. The worship was awe-inspiring. I appreciate the determination of you and your team to glorify God and not man. I'm a pastor's wife from Palm Coast, FL, but originally from Boone NC, "where God gets His mail." (I agree with you.) We've been in FL 15 years & I miss those mountains so much, and family even more. (I believe you know one of my sisters - Denise Critcher @ Mt. Vernon Bapt.) So blessed by your ministry. The "Jesus Saves" CD & DVD are such an inspiration. Just a quick story re: "Victory in Jesus" - I was listening via iPod as I "rode" the bike @ the YMCA this a.m.; time for my cool-down when "Victory in Jesus" came on. I had to keep going 'til the song was done! Thanks to you & your wife for letting Jesus shine thru you. I was blessed beyond description @ Deeper Still Orlando.
Donna Vannoy
Palm Coast, FL

Debi said...

Travis, I can't thank you enough for signing all the C.D.'s and were so gracious! You really don't know how many people are blessed by your Ministry! The praise team was just blessed me so much!Here's my blog with some pics! I can't wait until you come to Tampa!


Kari said...

Travis - you NEED to record "The King is Coming"!!! After hearing a short blurp of it on the All Access blog I went to iTunes to try and purchase it. All versions I found were from previous generations. I LOVED what I heard of yours on the video! That song is a powerful one and gives me goosebumps everytime!

Cameron Magee said...

I am thankful for this regurgitation of a blog entry. I'm going to go ahead and place this on the "top 3" shelf.

Happiness: The TCM Blog

Anonymous said...

It was an awesome weekend all way round. We heard great music and messages. I so enjoyed running into you & Angela in the hotel lobby.