Friday, April 13, 2007

Half-Way Through

I am half-way through a trip that I have dreaded for a long time. Now, I have NOT dreaded WHAT I am doing. I am doing what I love the most on this trip - leading worship. But I have been dreading the actual travel schedule. I left Nashville Thursday morning at 7:30 and got to California at 1pm. I sang at MusiCalifornia last night (a concert and a premiere of a music project I arranged), and got on a plane right after the concert ended. So I was in California for a total of 8 hours. I flew back across the country through the night, and am now on a layover in Atlanta (it's 6am on Friday right now). I am headed to Columbia, SC for a Living Proof Live event. I cannot wait for Living Proof tonight!!!

We had a great time at MusiCalifornia last night. I got to worship with a bunch of worship pastors, their wives and husbands and staff. We had a sweet time. There are few things I love more in music ministry than the privilege of serving those who are servants. Music ministers are frontline warriors, I tell you. And when they come to these conferences, I want them to receive every bit of encouragement and refreshment possible, because it is so rare that they are able to get away.

Attending the conference was one of my best friends in the world - Benji Cowart. Benji is the worship pastor at The Chapel in Buffalo, NY. Benji and his wife Jenna, Angela and I used to sing and lead together all the time before they left Nashville for ministry purposes. It was great to hang with him. Thanks for ironing my shirt, Benji!

Pray for us in Columbia, SC tonight. Jesus, come and be huge!


Lori said...

Praying for Living Proof, and your music. May God give you an extra dose of strength and perserverance.

Personally I find when I am worn out the most, is when God comes through in an awesome mighty way.


Tracey said...

So GLAD to have found that you have a BLOG!!! For several years, my husband (worship leader) and I attended "The Gathering" in Hilton Head, South Carolina and you were a guest with Don Moen. Honestly, that was the first time I had heard of you and your music and absolutely fell in love with your voice, your style of music, but mostly what was so endearing was your absolute sold out passion for serving the Lord.

I can't wait to link you on my blog and tell all my friends to pay you a visit! You have a beautiful family and a fantastic ministry!

In His Service,

Shelley B. said...

oh oh Travis the biggest way someone could bless you would be for them to iron your shirt. I remember our traveling days years ago, nothing would make you happier than a good iron.
Benji is a good friend


Travis said...

Shelley -
How many times have you searched out a good iron for me? Or, carried one to an areana or church? Or how many times have I called you or Amy Cato for some starch?

: >)

Brittnie said...


I just came across this post and read about Benji and Jenna Cowart. They were friends of ours (my husband and I) back from our seminary days as well as members on the praise team at our church (Travis Ave.)in Fort Worth. We were just wondering about them the other day and where God had placed them in ministry. So glad to hear about them and see where they are serving.

Also, I wanted to say that my two sons and I love your music. My 5 year old walks around all day singing your songs! But most importantly, I have noticed that God has put words to the things that He was showing me through several of the songs that you have written. God is so good. Thank you for your passion to serve God through music.


RockyTKH said...

hi travis,
i was at the MUSICalifornia concert when u sang on 12 april 2007. it was the HIGHLIGHT of the conference man!!!! you were fantastically fabulous at the 7pm solo concert, especially when u sang your version of 'annie's song', just absolute inspiration and uplifting...and of course, i enjoyed thoroughly your rendition of moses' encounter in your unimitable classically treated ala broadway musical...that was so brilliantly dramatically rendered in pomp & style!!!!!!!...i was in tears!!!! that was my second time i wept at the MUSICalifornia 2007 i'm musically and spiritually recharged to continue with the music ministry at the International Christian Assembly church in Hong Kong.
plse accept my heartfelt appreciation for your heart to heart music ministry at the conference. also found your 'found' cd in christian bookstore in downtown brea, California. you are the God's best reminder of what God can do in and through Man. keep up the good work!!! well-done travis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Morris Tan, ICA, Hong Kong (

RockyTKH said...

hi travis,
i was at the MUSICalifornia concert when u sang on 12 april 2007. it was the HIGHLIGHT of the conference man!!!! you were fantastically fabulous at the 7pm solo concert, especially when u sang your version of 'annie's song', just absolute inspiration and uplifting...and of course, i enjoyed thoroughly your rendition of moses' encounter in your unimitable classically treated ala broadway musical...that was so brilliantly dramatically rendered in pomp & style!!!!!!!...i was in tears!!!! that was my second time i wept at the MUSICalifornia 2007 i'm musically and spiritually recharged to continue with the music ministry at the International Christian Assembly church in Hong Kong.
plse accept my heartfelt appreciation for your heart to heart music ministry at the conference. also found your 'found' cd in christian bookstore in downtown brea, California. you are the God's best reminder of what God can do in and through Man. keep up the good work!!! well-done travis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Morris Tan, ICA, Hong Kong (

dadat30 said...


Thank you for letting my choir Voices of Sonrise sing with you at MusicCalifornia. That was a great night!! I hope for more of things like that to happen to our Pastor for him to just be able to be with us and minister and be ministered to. One of our past pastors was there also and just to see the other pastors in need of ministering to was awesome.

You have found a new fan of your ministery and singing. Keep it up!
