Sunday, August 24, 2008

Living Proof Live San Antonio

Living Proof Live - San Antonio from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


Leah Adams said...


Thank you for posting the video. I sat here, watching and reliving so many wonderful moments from the weekend. This Georgia girl got a huge Texas blessing this weekend.

You and Beth just know how to bring the Word!!

Are you going to post the song list from this weekend? There is a song that I love so much and would like to have the lyrics to it, but I'm not sure of the name.

Thanks so much for the sacrifices that you and your team make so that God's people can worship!! You reflect HIS glory in a beautiful way!!


HIS Child said...


You are truly a gifted servant of the Most High God. I am always so blessed to have you lead us to the throne room of grace as we enter into worshipping the One who is Worthy.
It was a pleasure to see you at the Siesta Fiesta and I pray that your other commitments in Texas had the same anointing. Be well and God bless you and your family.

Until He Calls,

Pam said...

That was beautiful--I wish I could have been there. It brought back memories of Deeper Still--Atlanta.
Your music just ushers me into the presence of God--thank you for using your gift for His service. Our church has an opening for a full-time Minister of Worship-oh how I pray that we receive someone like you!
Longing for more of Him,

AbbieCRAZY said...

WOW! What great worship to the LORD you lead us all in this past weekend! I was brought before the throne and singing his for His glory!

I was broken-hearted when you asked for singers and I couldn't be there! Oh My Stars. I had to run across the room and forget I'd heard anything... I love to sing and I would have loved singing w/you.....

Blessings on your family and your ministry. You rock, dude.

We were taking the shackles off our feet this morning.....

lisa said...

Thank you, Travis and team, for your amazing music in S.A. this weekend. My husband will be joining me at Converge in Houston to see you and Beth. You all truly glorify our heavenly Father with your gifts!

ocean mommy said...

I did not get the chance to say how incredible our worship time was Friday and Saturday. So powerful. Jesus was all over each person on that platform.

Thanks for hangin' with the Siesta's this weekend. :)


twinkle said...

I keep singing "Made Me Glad" over and over. It was a blessing ten times over being there in the Alamodome and sharing the sweetest freedom and joy of worship. I worshipped WITH you, Travis. Thanks for sharing your gift with all of us women on-fire for Jesus.

jennyhope said...

YAY! IT was so much fun in San Antonio!!! So glad to praise the LORD again with you all!

Fran said...

I don't have enough words...or energy for that matter right now...but this past weekend was simply AMAZING!!! We laughed, laughed, laughed, laughed, cried, got us a WORD, laughed some more and created some memories that I will NEVER EVER forget.

On Saturday during praise and worship, Lisa AKA "Preachers Wife" leaned over to me and said...

"That girl in the middle singing...could you imagine opening your mouth and THAT coming out??!!" Please tell her what a blessing she is. You are all so talented and completely full of Him when you are doing the thing! :)

Hugs and blessings,

Tara said...

Thank you for leading us in worship this weekend. It was amazing! You and your praise team are so talented and you lead us straight to the throne of grace.

Hope the rest of your weekend at Max Lucado's church went well. We were praying for you!

From one Boone lover to another,

Kristen said...

Travis! You did an awesomely amazing job this weekend! Thank you for sharing your gift with us! We Siestas love you!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Thank you for leading us to the throne! Your team was just as incredible as ever! (Even with your bizarre belief in Mr. Bolton.)

April said...

This was so very beautiful. It was a joy to watch and hear.

Dana said...

So thankful to have been able to worship with you this weekend. You are a blessing!!

A prayerful heart said...

Travis, thanks for the awesome worship leading at LPL and the womens confrence on thurs. night! Yall are just so good!

NikkiPoppins said...

Travis, you led us soo beautifully this weekend!! The songs that you picked and everything you said were great! I have a question, that last song that you sang, it's an old GLAD song isn't it? That acapella group? I seem to remember hearing it when I was young, but I could be totally off the mark! Either way, you totally rocked it!!
Thanks for leading us women in worship!!


TXSkipper said...

Travis - thank you for sharing your gift with all of us in San Antonio. You led us to His feet with sweet praise. Question: what was the title of the song you sang alone during Saturday morning (that says this is the day the Lord has made)? Can I get it on an album? I so need that every morning as I face a day with an 18 month old and 3 year old!

Bless you - Kaci

fuzzytop said...

Hey Travis,

I have to tell you, when you said "You are not forgotten" and then played "Before the Throne" (Is that the right name??) I just busted out into tears. ANd then you guys did that song again, and there I was bawling again. Really touched by that...

Thanks to you and your oh so fabulous praise team - it was such a blessing to praise and worship with y'all...


Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

What an incredible weekend! Words can't express my gratitude for the incredible worship you and your team led. Such a sweet time in the Spirit. I sang; I laughed; I cried; I even danced a little bit - in my own personal space of course! And most of all I was able to experience less of me and WAY more of Him! Blessings on you and your team. Praising God for an incredible weekend in the Word -both in song and teaching - and thanking Him for the gift of you.

Oh...and are people wearing shades around you...even at night? I'm thinking with ALL that praising you and the team did and then having a Word from the Lord delivered by Beth and then must be glowing with some Glory!!

BTW...Michael Bolton IS a great can't hold a guy's hair against him!

Kristi said...

Thanks for the blessing of this weekend! Oh, my word, your new song (I'm so hoping this will be on the much anticipated Christmas album), was INCREDIBLE! I could have listened to it all day long. What a gift God has blessed you with!

Donna @ Way More Homemade said...

Several songs that we sang this weekend took on new meaning when taken in conjunction with Beth Moore's message on The Inheritance.

I can say nothing other than it was an incredible blessing to me.

Thank you.

Oh, and thanks for the little sneak-peak at the Christmas album.

Oh, and God ROCKED the house at Oak Hills this morning through you!

OK - that's all.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Had a GREAT time this weekend! My only regret is that Vicki didn't pull out the fans earlier...

Unknown said...

Good times...

fuzzytop said...

Travis - I wanted to add that I was on the same flight to San Antonio on Friday morning !!! It was neat to see that they are so down-to-earth, and how warm and caring they are to each other.... I just enjoyed that so much.


fuzzytop said...

My last comment made no sense!!! I was on the same flight as some of your praise team...

gotta go get some coffee :o)

JayCee said...

I am always so humbled, amazed and grateful when you and the team lead us in worship. Thanks for a great weekend. LOVED ALL THE SONGS - especially your new one!

Michael Bolton move over - TRAVIS is the one with the PIPES!

Janet from St. Louis

Holly said...

Great to meet you! Praying for your family today.

Oh and the cd I gave you? Billy asked me to tell you to listen to #2.

The worship at Oak Hills was beautiful. Tell the team they did such a great job!

With Joy,

Jill said...

Okay one of the thousands from San Antonio sits here typing, and I am giving up school with my two little ones to worship with you yet again today to our great big God. THE LAMB HAS OVERCOME cd is invading the walls of our home. Thanks for being obedient and humble and for not burying your talents.

Profbaugh said...


I guess I can just say ditto to what my fellow Siestas have said here. The worship was fantastic. And I was so glad that I finally got to meet you face-to-face!! Now if we can only get your Lily Kate and my Sammie to meet!!

Much love,

Sherri said...

Ditto and Amen to all the praise for this weekend.
Which song is the "alleluia" song that we did a couple of times?

You are an annointed worship leader with a gift of being able to draw people into an attitude of worship. The Holy Spirit obviously works through you and your whole team to glorify Jesus. Thank you for your willingness to obey His calling.


Phyllis said...

What music, and what a blessing you are! You are the best, and to think you are sitting right in front of me in our Siesta Fiesta pictures! How awesome! The Holy Spirit was still moving in our time together after the conference. Can't wait for your Christmas CD. We will see you in Houston in December! Phyllis

hisfivefooter said...

Hey Travis-
We (me and puzzlepiece sista) had a great time with you this weekend! The worship was great! What was the hymn that you sang that Beth had wanted you to? Also, the lighting for you guys was great as was the stained glass slides used for the background! Good job! Also, has Melissa been willing yet to acquise(sp?) to your request about the inheritance?
Good job friend!
Lisa in Kirkland, WA

Anonymous said...

This was my first LPL event and my first time to hear you and your team in person. It was such a blessing. Music is a huge part of my life, especially praise and worship music. Thank you for letting God work and speak through you.

By the way, I LOVED the Carolina shirt you had on in the video on the Siesta Fiesta Blog. Go Tar Heels! I'm originally from there and currently blessed to be living in Abilene, TX

Anonymous said...

Seriously - the best worship EVAH!


Alene said...


I'm still worshipping! My what a talent of a worship leader you are. Thank you for bringing me before the throne of God is such a powerful way that it still lives on.

I live today with a song in my heart overflowing with praise and worship.

I'm left in awe at the presence of God.

Blessings my friend! Blessings.

Constance said...

How come I can't see it? I SO want to re-live this weekend!!!

Denton, Texas

MC said...

Hey Trav,
Loved the video of San Antonio. Jim and I are anxious for Billings. We look forward to Worship and the Word. Even now, this song and the images have me choked up a bit. I am longing for the kind of corporate worship that occurs at a LP Event. Blessings on you and Ang and Kids. Love, MC

Melinda said...

It's been said a million different ways by a million different Siestas, but I think we're all coming from the same heart. I so appreciate your sacrifice of time with your family, and your surrender-of-heart to be used by God the way that you are. We were ushered straight to the throne this weekend, just as I have been while walking the beach with my ipod, or simply worshipping with you at home. Thank you for being obedient with your gift.

At the conference this weekend, you sang the song that started "Alleluia, Alleluia" - you went straight into it after Christ Alone at the end (which was awesome by the way!). What is the name of that song? I looked for it on Itunes, but didn't see it - maybe you haven't recorded it. Anyway, I'd love to know!

Have a great day!

Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Okay... So Travis, I have a question...

There was a song that Beth said she sang at her church last week and that we sang on Saturday... What is the name of that song?

I must know so I can youtube or rhapsody it... Thanks and the worship was so anointed in San Antonio - the Spirit just fell upon us.

I had a very special moment with God during the song I asked you about where I feel I received a final measure of healing over the death of my son that happened three years to the day (August 23, 2005). It was a blessed time for me, something that I am barely able to put into words now. And thanks for bringing Kelly up because her song also brought me to the foot of His throne!

Anyway... Thanks again.

MissBecky said...

Travis, can you help me with the name of a song you sang at LPL San Antonio and again at Oak Hills Church on Sunday morning? It has several names of Jesus in the chorus...deliverer/strong tower/my ever-present help in time of need... I may not have that right. If you have it recorded somewhere, please let us know that, too! Thanks so much for sharing your gift with us!
Miss Becky

Holly said...

I wanted to add this: "This is the Day" was the song that brought me to a place, where I could finally settle and not be concerned with anything more (cookbooks, schedules, etc) than what God wanted to speak over me on Saturday. I really look forward to its spring release!!

Brittnie said...


The music in San Antonio was INCREDIBLE! WOW! I was so overcome by the presence of God that I could barely stand on my feet.

God answered Beth's prayer by coming and doing everything but killing us with HIS glory! His presence and His Word were powerful! What glory!

For His Kingdom,
Brittnie in Birmingham, Al

Lindsee Lou said...

Y'all seriously ROCKED this weekend. Just ask Abby what I thought. After almost every song I looked at her in complete awe.

And thank you for singing 2000 Years. It is my favorite. :)

HAve a great week!


Unknown said...

When we sang a Capella, I kept wondering if that sweet beautiful sound of all those voices coming together was what God always hear when we praise Him?!?!

Darlene R. said...

Hey Travis,
I'm sure you've heard this a bazillion times by now, so I'll just say it~~This weekend was awesome.

Okay, now I want to know what the song was that you sang on Saturday. It sounds like it should be called This is the Day or something like that. Did you write that?
Chills. Tears and chills. I need it on my ipod...right now.


I was so stinkin' happy to get to hug your neck, finally!
I promise you that the video on my camera will NOT be on my blog because we do look a tad dorky standing there looking at the camera for five seconds, smiling. When we finally got the picture though, it was a good one so thank you for that!
Oh, and sorry that when I saw you at the consession stand my intelligence flew out the window.

Ok, I'm done now!

Sherri said...

Miss Becky
You are remembering Made Me Glad. Travis has it on his The Lamb has Overcome cd. The perfect worship song.

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Thank you for leading us into worship this past weekend. You truly have a gift for leading us beyond the place, the instruments, the voices, into the realm of authentic worship.

I also enjoyed talking to some of praise team at the airports - such a sweet bunch of people. Thank you for enduring my questions and monologues (lol). I only regret that my daughter was not with me. She would have loved to have met you. I was kicking myself all weekend for not taking her with me. I see that you will be in Gladeville in a few weeks, just a hop, skip and a jump from our house, so maybe we can crash the party there. =)

MissBecky said...

Thank you so much!! That's the one! I so appreciate your help--it's been going through my head since Saturday.
Miss Becky

Emmy said...


Wow! What an AWESOME weekend! I am so thankful!

I can't stop singing Alleluia! Powerful!

Can you post a play list? (sorry I know that may be a pain... but I just loved it all so!)

Hope you got some much needed rest!

Emmy : )

Anonymous said...

I just want to echo what everyone else is saying you guys were AWESOME! It was the first time that I've heard you and the Praise team live.
What a beautiful time of worship!

cindy said...

Another Siesta here. Thanks Travis for "bringing it" in San Antonio. I went out and bought the Found CD. For me it's the 2000 years song that gives me goose bumps, and I loved the slides that went with it at the conference. Brought it all together for me.
Thanks again. God bless.
Cindy R.

Michelle V said...

Travis, you all were amazing! I can't even express in words how incredible the praise & worship was! I think it was a little taste of Heaven!


Anonymous said...

Hey Travis!
I would love to write something original but the words are failing me! You and the worship team were greatly used by God this weekend! His GLORY fell on that auditorium! I would love to order a CD that was similar to the worship songs this weekend...could you make any suggestions!

So glad I got a chance to meet nice of you to say hi and take pics with so many siestas!

Also can't wait for your new album!!

**That girl with the long brown hair DANG...what a voice!!!


Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

Thank you-and your team-so much. Such talent being used by the Lord!! This weekend was an incredible time with our Savior. The worship led me to His feet, ready to learn and seek and hear. Blessings on you and yours for a great week. It's our first week of school and I'm guessing it is yours, too. Fun stress, right?


BTW - love the WDW not the happiest place?!? Tons of fun!

Groovewoman said...

Travis, wow, I was blown away by worship this weekend. I could honestly say that heaven opened over the alamodome this weeekend because of the great Worship. Thank you sooo much. I was taken to the throne!

Question though... being a singer..I am dying to know the names of the songs we did this weekend. There are a few I don't know and have no idea what the names are. One started off with "Alleluia, Alleluia" and then you did a version of "Christ Alone w/ Solid Rock medly" curious how to get that and then there was one song that "this is the power of Christ in me...from life's first cry to final breath" WHAT WAS THAT Song??? It is driving me crazy not knowing! PLEASE Help a fellow artist man!!!

(one w/ pink hair)

Unknown said...

yes Lindsee did look at me in a constant state of awe when everyone was singing.

i must say, that was the big guns praise team...woah.

ps...hilarious story from girly gab night in Kim's room on friday

ME: (talking about my "friend")
'yeah you know his uncle as that crazy singing man on the stage
KIM: (looks confused)
NIKKI: (my roommate): '...whose name starts with T and ends in
-ravis Cottrell'
KIM: (long contemplating pause)'there was a man up there?'

Bethany said...

You are truly gifted by God and a gift from God (and I'm sure your sincere praise is a gift *to* God).

Thank you for adding to the power God showed this weekend!

puzzlepiecesista said...

In the words of that AWESOME song
"I long for Him"!!!! I long for MORE of the weekend we had worshiping together with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength!! Oh the glories of heaven that are to come!! I can hardly wait!!!

It was so good to meet you again in person so you could put a blogger name with a face. Hisfivefooter and myself think, geek with glasses or no glasses you are the bomb!!

Thanks for leading us once again straight into the "holy of holies" and plunking us right down before the "mercy seat" of God. "There's no high like the MOST HIGH"

Much love Trav!

Angela in Redmond, WA

Anonymous said...

Oh Travis...if only you could sing!!!! Hahahah :) You are just wicked good....I know how to lead a group of people in worship and have it ALL be about GOD. When you sing it's so evident that you are giving all he glory to God! Thank many worship leaders try and make it about themselves...thanks for pointing us in the right direction in San Antonio this weekend! You and your crew are amazing :)

Edwards Family said...

ok ok ok....(let me bitter for 2 seconds)

I just had to watch this on Beth's Blog and now on yours too

(beginning to cry a little)

I didn't get to come this year....and I wanted to so badly...

(gaining composure)

that weekend looked like such a great are no words!

(I am currently listening to In Christ Alone on your CD...havin' myself a little worship time, so I have to quit being bitter, it doesn't look good)



Anonymous said...

Hey Travis!

I'm so sorry but I have a question and it's probably one you get all the time! So sorry in advance!!!

Since my last comment I have found your website but I'm still confused as to what CD to buy!

Can you help a simple minded siesta out?!

My question is have you and the worship team recorded an album of the songs you did in San Antonio? If yes what's the title? If not are you? I hope so because it was AMAZING!!


Jen said...

My Conversation with God

(Listening to Josh Groban belt it out, after happily landing on one of his songs w/ my Ipod on shuffle.)

Me: God, wouldn't it be cool if Josh Groban sang worship?

God: This is what you want to talk to me about today?

Me: Well, listen. He is amazing...He could so totally reach some people for you.

God: Yeah, well I got me some people you might like.

(Fast forward a few weeks to the Simulcast and a church in Wyoming.)

Me: Oohhhhh! Thanks God. You were right!

The moral of the story is:
1. Travis has been gifted with some pipes, and can bring on the worship. Praise God.
2. You are SO on my Ipod shuffle now!
Seriously...THANK YOU!!!!

Dina said...

My friend Amy and I had an awesome time in San Antonio with you and Beth. We got the joy of seeing you at the Women's Ministry Training on Thursday and then at Living Proof Live. Thanks for taking a picture with us. Here's the link to my blog where I posted the pic...

Unknown said...

Did you know you're a Verizon ringtone? Well, not you - the song 2000 years. Guess who has it now? ME!

creative gal said...

THANK YOU for all you do with the Living Proof Live events! I love your music and can tell God is using you to reach many!

fuzzytop said...

Hey there Travis,

Any chance that the playlist from LPL San Anotnio will get posted on your website soon??? Inquiring minds want to know.... hee hee

Have a greatly blessed day!


Unknown said...


Groovewoman said...

Okay PHEW... at least i'm not the only one asking you to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE post the LPL San Antonio song list somewhere. Cause we are dying to know all of the songs that lead us into the Holiest Worship before the Feet of our King!