Friday, August 15, 2008

Checking In

Hello, peeps! I hope everyone has had a great week. I apologize for being a slacker blogger this week. It has been a strange week for me. It's not like I have been completely busy 24/7, but I have had a lot on my plate. I finished up an easter musical that I was writing and recording. I finished everything involved with it on Wednesday. And I am in the middle of mixing my Christmas record (mixing is the final process of putting everything together and making it sound good). So, I am spending much of my days right now listening to the songs OVER AND OVER, making sure this vocal is loud enough, that violin is bright enough, this snare drum isn't too loud, that cowbell is speaking just perfectly. You get the idea.

This week, I also recorded a duet for the Christmas project, and I CAN'T WAIT to tell you with whom I am singing. But I'm not going to tell you just yet. Just's a DOOZY, and I am flipping out about it.

I have also been pretty busy this week trying to find classmates from my graduating high school class. Our reunion is in October, and I am helping out with the plans. Anybody out there from my class???

It's hard to believe I have been out of high school for 5 years.

OK, that must be the sleep-deprived Olympic obsesser talking. Which brings me to the biggest reason I have not blogged this week. I cannot look away from the Olympics. The Cottrells have been obsessed. I am even dreaming in red, white and blue.

I will have to tear myself away from Olympics TV this weekend. I am heading to Atlanta for a Sunday night concert at FBC Woodstock, GA. If you are in the area, please come join us! Their choir, praise team and band and I will be joining together for a night of worship. I can't wait.

Have a great weekend. See you soon...



Darlene R. said...

5 years...yeah, me too! haha!

Melinda said...

The amount of time that I've been out of high school is divisible by five. Does that count? :o)

Erica Simpkins said...

I also find it hard to believe you've been out of high school (or even college) for 5 years...

And as for the Christmas record...We need more cowbell! I have a fever and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope it's David Phelps -- would love to hear the two of you together!

AnnieBlogs said...

The only thing a cowbell knows how to do is speak perfectly. The sound of a cowbell is never wrong. Obviously.

I hope your duet is with MICHAEL Phelps.

Anonymous said...

Wow, three times in one week! This Sunday here, and then Friday/Saturday in San Antonio...
I'm blessed already!!
(and tickled that my husband and children will get to worship God with you this Sunday... of course, they've never been to a LPM conference with me, so only know what they hear from me. and my 11 yr old son LOVES to worship God. He can sign some of the words and raises his little hands to praise the Lord... nothing on this earth I don't think, can bless your soul more than seeing your child worship the Lord).

FBC Woodstock is 2 miles from my house (it's where my daughter takes ballet lessons, and my sons have done their Upward sports). We usually go to the 11am contemporary service.

G R E A T church.

Pastor Johnny is such an amazing preacher/speaker. When my dad has come up from Florida to visit, we've taken him to church there. He liked Pastor Johnny so much that my Pentecostal Daddy has said if he lived here, this is where he'd go to church!

Welcome to Marietta/Woodstock in advance, Travis. We'll be there to worship with you Sun night! :)

Fran said...

I think I'm dreaming swimming and gymnastics right now! :)

Yeah...I have my reunion this October too...its been 6 years!

Have a wonderful weekend. See you next week in SA!! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

High school reunion? This must be your 50th, right?


Christi New said...

You can never have enough cowbell!
Can't wait to hear who the duet is with!!

It's great to see Michael Phelps and the rest of the USA Swim team "smashing" the competition. Sorry - I had to say it. In my opinion, that moment has to be right up there with Mary Lou Retton - It makes me sooo proud to be an American! GO USA!

fuzzytop said...

Travis - you're not fooling any of us with that "5 years" thing..... heeheehee

Can't wait to hear who the duest is with! When will the Christmas project be released? I'm already seeing Christmas stuff in the stores, which leads me to believe they should just leave it up year round.

Have a great day, and I'm looking forward to LPL San Antonio!

Giana said...

Great to have you back. Missed your sense of humor this week. Looking forward to Sunday night at WFBC. I will be praying for your Team.

Holly said...

Chris' 20th is this year, too. But it's 16 hours away during the school year with three in school. So we are missing it.

My guess is Schm-amy Schm-ant? Am I right?

Praying for your family! Two cookbooks are headed your way today...from our cold and rainy town.

Glad the weather wasn't like this in Estes Park last week! Or was it two weeks ago?? My 37 year old brain is having glitches of late.

Anonymous said...

You never told us your pick for best 80's duet and best female and male singers???

Irene Weeks said...

Right there with you with the olympics! Plus, with China being 12 hours ahead of us (on the east coast anyway), we have to stay up so stinkin late to see the good stuff! (meaning swimming & gymnastics, my 2 personal favorites!)
As far as the # of years out of high school, I realized that the kids going into their senior year of HS were born the year that I graduated from HS (1991)...yikes.

Tina said...

Is it a duet with Twila?

Leah Adams said...

Oh darn it, I am only 1 1/2 hours from FBC Woodstock but I don't think I can get down that way Sunday!! Flitter-ation!! I should have been more diligent about watching your schedule. Oh, well at least I'll be in San Antonio and get to worship with you there!

Blonde that I am, I almost fell for the 5 year reunion thing...then I thought about the age of your children and knew better. Silly me!!


Cecelia said...

We have been loving the Olympics as well. How 'bout those Americans ! Silver and Gold by Shawn and Nastia !!! Gold, gold, gold and more gold for Michael Phelps !!! I LOVE IT, its times like these I wish I was on Central time and have that earlier hour !
Have a great week-end with Pastor Johnny !


Kelly S. said...

5 years....ahem.
I hope your duet is with shamy shant too. My mom bought me a ticket to see her for my b-day last week! She is coming to my hometown in Nov. Dang, I wish you would be the surprise guest!

You can never have too much cowbell.

Adam said...

wha'd up Travis. its about time you post something.. seriously.. haha..

As far as the Olympics.. I dunno.. i think I hit my Olympic prime when they were in Greece. I just cant seem to get into them this year. Although Men's beach volleyball is on in the background.

ehh maybe next olympics I will be ready for them again.

Anonymous said...

Hey Travis, Debbie and Scott from S.C. will be there Sunday night in Woodstock to worship with you. Can't wait. IT's about a 3 1/2 hr. drive for us but we're excited about being there. It'll be our first time worshipping with you. but hopefully not our last.

Anonymous said...

Travis isn't it funny how time slows down the older you get. I would love to praise with you on Sunday but I will just have to send the prayers out from good old Wyoming. Hee! Hee!

In Joy,

Lindsee Lou said...

Taking my eyes off the olympics seems almost impossible. Seriuosly. It's bad.

See you in ONE WEEK! Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

It's a duet with Elvis, right? Cause I was just at RCA Studio B, and they are recording a cd of Elvis Christmas duets right now! Carrie Underwood... Martina McBride... Travis Cottrell...

I'm right, arent I.

Unknown said...

FIVE YEARS???? Ahem.... That means, I must just be going on about 8 or so, huh??? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Dude, God'll get you for lying!!!

Hey.... It was good to see you at the Schemerhorn... What an AWESOME worship experience that was!!! (And I am still singing "Hosanna"!!)

Sorry that I missed your beautiful bride... Hope you remembered to tell her that Goober says hey... :)

Have fun at Woodstock this weekend... We have some mutual friends there.

Anonymous said...

Travis, I'm guessing by your love of 80s music that it's your 20th high school reunion. It's mine too this year, and I can't believe it. It seems like it was only 5 years ago. How did we get so old? I remember when my mom had her 20th reunion. Hope you have a great time. Keep up the great work, our family loves your music!

Jen in TX

Unknown said...

Five years, eh? Me too! (took me many years to get through HS...)

Can't wait to see y'all on Friday/Saturday!!! Woo Hoo! I'm so excited :-).

I drove through Atlanta a little while ago on my way back to Birmingham from Savannah (my husband is temporarily outside of Savannah with the Army). I would've loved to have seen you there :-).

Anonymous said...

Travis, It was so nice worshipping with you Sun morning/night at First Baptist Woodstock. My son loved it too! (he told me on the way home, "mom, I almost cried a couple times when we were singing." I'm so glad he loves to worship at 11. my daughter slept through it right there on the 7th row) :)

and I must tell you... standing there during worship, praising our Lord, is the first time I've not been worried about flying to SA later this week. I've got a REAL fear of flying, and the peace I felt from HIM during worship Sun night, it felt good. I'm going to try and hold on to that.

See you at the 'estrogen fest' as you called it. oh yes, and the 'capri pant convention'...


Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask...

what is the song you sang Sun morning that talks about "You changed my name"? and where can I find it??? (I so badly wanted to come ask you about it Sun night after church but you were so crowded with people around you, I didn't want to bother you)


that song touched the deepest part of my heart and the tears just fell.
I looked on your cd's out front that night and didn't see it.

PLLLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE sing that in San Antonio this weekend. Oh my goodness, please. It was beautiful. and so very appropriate.

Thank you for serving Him like you do. Thank you.

Kelly S. said...

I wasn't at FBCW, but there is a song called "You Changed My Name" on the Patriarchs cd. My group is doing that study this fall, and I have been listening to the cd nonstop! Its awesome!!

I agree, thank you, Travis!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for your Christmas CD. I've been praying that you've got O Holy Night on there b/c I won't buy a Christmas cd if it doesn't have O Holy Night. No pressure...I'm just sayin'! ;)

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Travis, thank you again SO much for coming to FBCW and worshipping with us! It was a very pleasant surprise to me, and I know everyone who was there felt the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit through your songs!

Sing on!

(Now, doesn't that sound like someone who thinks she's at a Monkees concert? *grin*)

It was nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Travis

I enjoyed working with you at Estes your last day there - hope you made your flight on time!

Thanks for sharing His "light" in worship and encouragement with all of us!
